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The "Boston Pamphlet"
by Boston Committee of Correspondence (09/01/1772)
Alarmed by Britain’s decision to remove the colonial assembly’s right to pay the governor’s and judges’ salaries -- thus removing any power it might wield over royal officials -- a group of Boston citizens led by Samuel Adams, James Otis, and Joseph Warren formed a citizens’ committee to oppose the action. The committee compiled a three-part document soon known as the “Boston Pamphlet” and distributed it throughout the colony. The document (1) asserted the colonists’ rights as men under natural law, as Christians under God’s law in the New Testament, and as British subjects under the British constitution; (2) listed twelve violations of those rights by Britain; and (3) invited response from other Massachusetts towns. Soon over one hundred new town “committees of correspondence” had been formed in Massachusetts.
Show details for James Bovard (1)James Bovard (1)
Show details for Brian (2)Brian (2)
Show details for J. Dianne Brinson and Mark F. Radcliffe (1)J. Dianne Brinson and Mark F. Radcliffe (1)
Show details for Ellen H. Brown (1)Ellen H. Brown (1)
Show details for Leslee Dru Browning (1)Leslee Dru Browning (1)
Show details for Major General Smedley Butler (1)Major General Smedley Butler (1)
Show details for Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (1)Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (1)
Show details for Patrick S. J. Carmack (1)Patrick S. J. Carmack (1)
Show details for Greg Caton (1)Greg Caton (1)
Show details for Jonathan Chevreau (1)Jonathan Chevreau (1)
Show details for Noam Chomsky (1)Noam Chomsky (1)
Show details for Marquis Circle (1)Marquis Circle (1)
Show details for Erin Collins (1)Erin Collins (1)
Show details for Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (1)Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (1)
Show details for Duhaime & Company (1)Duhaime & Company (1)
Show details for Continental Congress (2)Continental Congress (2)
Show details for Jordyn Cormie (1)Jordyn Cormie (1)
Show details for Roy Davies (1)Roy Davies (1)
Show details for © Roy Davies & Glyn Davies, 1999 (1)© Roy Davies & Glyn Davies, 1999 (1)
Show details for Alexis de Tocqueville (1)Alexis de Tocqueville (1)
Show details for Frederick Douglass (1)Frederick Douglass (1)
Show details for Duke University (1)Duke University (1)
Hide details for Editor (15)Editor (15)
Americans for Fair Taxation

The Fair Tax is a proposal to replace the Federal income tax with a single-rate retail sales tax. Taxes would be lower for most people. How much federal tax you pay would be up to you, because you'd only be taxed on what you choose to spend. It would NOT be a VAT -- tax would only be levied on the retail sale.
Billions for the Bankers, Debt for the People

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson
Centre for Research on Globalisation / Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation

Behind the News, Analysis, Commentary and Intelligence on the New World Order. Canadian site in English and French. In-depth articles on America's War, Police State, Crimes Against Humanity, Economic Globalisation, Biotechnology, and more. Guerre et mondialisation, analyses et débats.
Citizens for Better Government

Promote honesty in government, expose corruption, teach individuals lawful means of remedy and recourse when faced with government abuse. CBG is a non-profit community based information sharing and resource group open to all persons.
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT by Fyodor Dostoevsky

The classic book in its entirety.

Use gold as an internet currency.
Getting a Social Security Card for your baby is optional
Gun Control: Myths And Realities

The basic premise of the gun control movement, that easy access
to guns causes higher crime, is contradicted by the facts, by
history and by reason.
Irwin Schiff "Stop Paying Income Taxes"

Unbroken Irwin Schiff Dies in Prison. It wasn’t the first time Irwin Schiff had been thrown in the slammer by Uncle Sam. But when he reported to start serving a 14 year sentence for “tax crimes” at age 77 he was fairly certain it would be the last. He was right. Irwin was a political prisoner locked up as an example to those who might be inclined to ask the wrong questions about the modern application of the income tax. His trial was a model for federal “show trials,” devoid of fact evidence and laden with presumption, with a cooperative judge working with the DOJ to keep the defendant from presenting his case. Irwin was not punished for crimes he committed. He was punished for government crimes he discovered and exposed.
Joe Banister - Agent for Truth

Joseph Banister is the only IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent ever to investigate allegations that the IRS, using deceit and fraud, illegally administers and enforces the federal income tax system and then report his investigation results to his IRS superiors and later to the American people.
Offshore Investment Debunker

Full of disinformation
The Federalist Papers -

The original text of the Federalist Papers (also known as The Federalist) was obtained from the e-text archives of Project Gutenberg. View or download the entire plain text version of all of the Federalist Papers as supplied by Project Gutenberg.
The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826
THOMAS - US Congress on the Net

Index to US congressional legislation, record, and information.
Show details for Zoe Eisenberg (1)Zoe Eisenberg (1)
Show details for Elan (1)Elan (1)
Show details for Steve Elliott (1)Steve Elliott (1)
Show details for Pastor Sheldon Emry (1)Pastor Sheldon Emry (1)
Show details for Louis Even (1)Louis Even (1)
Show details for Securities and Exchange Commission (1)Securities and Exchange Commission (1)
Show details for Farm Journal (1)Farm Journal (1)
Show details for Andrew Foote (1)Andrew Foote (1)
Show details for National Center for Constitutional Studies (1)National Center for Constitutional Studies (1)
Show details for Benjamin Franklin (2)Benjamin Franklin (2)
Show details for Albert Friedberg (1)Albert Friedberg (1)
Show details for Mike Geary (1)Mike Geary (1)
Show details for Georgetown University Advanced Vehicle Development (1)Georgetown University Advanced Vehicle Development (1)
Show details for Steve Gibson (1)Steve Gibson (1)
Show details for Skip Goebel (1)Skip Goebel (1)
Show details for Bettina Bien Greaves (1)Bettina Bien Greaves (1)
Show details for Viktor S. Grebennikov (1)Viktor S. Grebennikov (1)
Show details for Alan Greenspan (2)Alan Greenspan (2)
Show details for Max Greenwood (2)Max Greenwood (2)
Show details for G. Edward Griffin (3)G. Edward Griffin (3)
Show details for G. Edward Griffin (1)G. Edward Griffin (1)
Show details for The Aware Group (4)The Aware Group (4)
Show details for Emil Guillermo (1)Emil Guillermo (1)
Show details for Alexander Hamilton (1)Alexander Hamilton (1)
Show details for Paul Harvey (1)Paul Harvey (1)
Show details for Jason Hecker (1)Jason Hecker (1)
Show details for Patrick Henry (1)Patrick Henry (1)
Show details for John Hoefle (1)John Hoefle (1)
Show details for Ron Holland (1)Ron Holland (1)
Show details for L. Ron Hubbard (1)L. Ron Hubbard (1)
Show details for Publius Huldah (1)Publius Huldah (1)
Show details for European Contact Inc. (1)European Contact Inc. (1)
Show details for Christopher Ingraham (1)Christopher Ingraham (1)
Show details for IRS -Criminal Investigation Division (1)IRS -Criminal Investigation Division (1)
Show details for IRS (2)IRS (2)
Show details for Sherry Peel Jackson (1)Sherry Peel Jackson (1)
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