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Hide details for Leslee Dru Browning (1)Leslee Dru Browning (1)
Traditional Herbal Blood Tonic Recipe
Revealed by Medical Herbalist, Leslee Dru Browning
by Leslee Dru Browning (10/04/2007)
Browning's Blended Spirits is a blood tonic I formulated years ago for an 80 year old man who had been diagnosed with Invasive Bladder Cancer that had spread to his lymph. During surgery it was found that his tumor had grown outside the wall of the bladder and the surgeon was unable to remove it all. He refused chemotherapy and radiation treatments and was given only 3-6 months to live. His family called me to see if I could help him. After hearing his case I couldn’t recommend herbal capsules because he had difficulty swallowing so I made him this blood tonic. Also included in his treatment was a Bladder and Kidney tonic along with diet changes.
Hide details for Major General Smedley Butler (1)Major General Smedley Butler (1)
War Is A Racket
by Major General Smedley Butler (01/01/1935)
That war is a racket has been told to us by many, but rarely by one of this stature. Though he died in 1940, the highly decorated General Butler deserves to be heralded for his timeless message. His riveting 1935 booklet War is a Racket merits inclusion as required reading for every high school student, and every member of our armed forces today. After reading the following excerpts from this amazingly revealing essay, please forward it to all your friends. By spreading the word far and wide, we can and will create a brighter future for ourselves and for our children.
Hide details for Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (1)Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (1)
War Is A Racket
by Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (01/01/1935)
The Anti-War Classic. "Much of War is a Racket was stock antiwar, anti-imperialist idiom, part of an American tradition dating back to the eighteenth century. Butler's particular contribution was his recantation, denouncing war on moral grounds after having been a warrior hero and spending most of his life as a military insider. The theme remained vigorously patriotic and nationalistic, decrying imperialism as a disgrace rooted in the greed of a privleged few." -- Hans Schmidt
Hide details for Patrick S. J. Carmack (1)Patrick S. J. Carmack (1)
The Money Changers
by Patrick S. J. Carmack (12/02/2003)
The history of 'the money changers' and the control of the world's wealth through the fraud that is fractional reserve banking.
Hide details for Greg Caton (1)Greg Caton (1)
Cansema Black Salve Recipe
by Greg Caton (09/28/2011)
Botanical salve based on traditional American Indian herbal extracts.
Hide details for Jonathan Chevreau (1)Jonathan Chevreau (1)
There's no place to hide
by Jonathan Chevreau (05/05/2001)
Offshore banking isn't illegal, but keeping it secret from the taxman is.
Hide details for Noam Chomsky (1)Noam Chomsky (1)
The New World Order: The Middle East and Central America Lecture
by Noam Chomsky (11/23/1991)
George Bush proclaimed the emergence of a "New World Order" with the defeat of communism and the advent of globalization. What kind of order is it and who does it benefit? MIT professor and dissident Noam Chomsky explains it all during a lecture George Washington University.
Hide details for Marquis Circle (1)Marquis Circle (1)
20 Questions
A look at the consequences of the wrong international structure
by Marquis Circle (05/12/2000)
20 Questions to help set up Offshore Trusts, IBCs, Visa Cards and Bank Accounts to achive maximum privacy and security.
Hide details for Erin Collins (1)Erin Collins (1)
Pot profits predicted to soar with legalization on the horizon
by Erin Collins (06/30/2016)
Hide details for Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (1)Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (1)
Who Owns the Federal Reserve?
Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
by Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (08/15/1976)
Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976.
Hide details for Duhaime & Company (1)Duhaime & Company (1)
Common Law and Contract Law
by Duhaime & Company (05/19/2000)
Summary of the Common Law and Contract Law
Hide details for Continental Congress (2)Continental Congress (2)
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
by Continental Congress (07/04/1776)
Thanksgiving Proclamation 1777 By the Continental Congress
by Continental Congress (11/01/1777)
In the First National Thanksgiving Proclamation, the Continental Congress of the United States, in 1777, with the country still engaged in the war for independence, not only enjoined Americans to publicly offer acts of thanks to almighty God, but exhorted all to “consecrate themselves to the Service of their Divine Benefactor,” to make “the penitent confession of their manifold sins,” and to offer “their humble and earnest supplication that it may please GOD through the Merits of JESUS CHRIST, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of Remembrance, that it may please him graciously to afford his Blessing on the Governments of these States respectively.” 
Hide details for Jordyn Cormie (1)Jordyn Cormie (1)
Is Cannabis the Women’s Wellness Cure We’ve Been Waiting for?
by Jordyn Cormie (02/12/2017)
Hide details for Roy Davies (1)Roy Davies (1)
Money in North American History
by Roy Davies (10/02/1998)
This essay is based on a book on monetary history by Glyn Davies which contains a considerable amount of material on the financial development of the United States.
Hide details for © Roy Davies & Glyn Davies, 1999 (1)© Roy Davies & Glyn Davies, 1999 (1)
A Comparative Chronology of Money

Historical timelines date the emergence of money. The complete annotated chronology is divided up into smaller files by period. Select the timeline for the period in which you are interested. In cases where events took place over a number of years, they my overlap other periods. In such cases, the events will be listed in more than one timeline. The page numbers given after the annotations refer to the places in the book where the topics are mentioned.
Hide details for Alexis de Tocqueville (1)Alexis de Tocqueville (1)
Democracy in America
by Alexis de Tocqueville (06/12/2000)
In 1831, the French political writer Alexis de Tocqueville visited the United States of America, a nation in which the citizenry had rejected such things as income taxation, welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schooling, drug wars, economic regulations, gun control, and immigration controls.
Hide details for Frederick Douglass (1)Frederick Douglass (1)
What Shall Be Done with the Slaves If Emancipated?
Douglass' Monthly, January, 1862
by Frederick Douglass (01/01/1862)
This question has been answered, and can be answered in many ways. Primarily, it is a question less for man than for God—less for human intellect than for the laws of nature to solve. It assumes that nature has erred; that the law of liberty is a mistake; that freedom, though a natural want of the human soul, can only be enjoyed at the expense of human welfare, and that men are better off in slavery than they would or could be in freedom; that slavery is the natural order of human relations, and that liberty is an experiment. What shall be done with them? 
Hide details for Duke University (1)Duke University (1)
Pot-Smokers Harm Gums; Other Physical Effects Slight
Long-term study finds no differences in metabolism, lung function, inflammation
by Duke University (05/31/2016)
Hide details for Editor (15)Editor (15)
Americans for Fair Taxation

The Fair Tax is a proposal to replace the Federal income tax with a single-rate retail sales tax. Taxes would be lower for most people. How much federal tax you pay would be up to you, because you'd only be taxed on what you choose to spend. It would NOT be a VAT -- tax would only be levied on the retail sale.
Billions for the Bankers, Debt for the People

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson
Centre for Research on Globalisation / Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation

Behind the News, Analysis, Commentary and Intelligence on the New World Order. Canadian site in English and French. In-depth articles on America's War, Police State, Crimes Against Humanity, Economic Globalisation, Biotechnology, and more. Guerre et mondialisation, analyses et débats.
Citizens for Better Government

Promote honesty in government, expose corruption, teach individuals lawful means of remedy and recourse when faced with government abuse. CBG is a non-profit community based information sharing and resource group open to all persons.
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT by Fyodor Dostoevsky

The classic book in its entirety.

Use gold as an internet currency.
Getting a Social Security Card for your baby is optional
Gun Control: Myths And Realities

The basic premise of the gun control movement, that easy access
to guns causes higher crime, is contradicted by the facts, by
history and by reason.
Irwin Schiff "Stop Paying Income Taxes"

Unbroken Irwin Schiff Dies in Prison. It wasn’t the first time Irwin Schiff had been thrown in the slammer by Uncle Sam. But when he reported to start serving a 14 year sentence for “tax crimes” at age 77 he was fairly certain it would be the last. He was right. Irwin was a political prisoner locked up as an example to those who might be inclined to ask the wrong questions about the modern application of the income tax. His trial was a model for federal “show trials,” devoid of fact evidence and laden with presumption, with a cooperative judge working with the DOJ to keep the defendant from presenting his case. Irwin was not punished for crimes he committed. He was punished for government crimes he discovered and exposed.
Joe Banister - Agent for Truth

Joseph Banister is the only IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent ever to investigate allegations that the IRS, using deceit and fraud, illegally administers and enforces the federal income tax system and then report his investigation results to his IRS superiors and later to the American people.
Offshore Investment Debunker

Full of disinformation
The Federalist Papers -

The original text of the Federalist Papers (also known as The Federalist) was obtained from the e-text archives of Project Gutenberg. View or download the entire plain text version of all of the Federalist Papers as supplied by Project Gutenberg.
The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826
THOMAS - US Congress on the Net

Index to US congressional legislation, record, and information.
Hide details for Zoe Eisenberg (1)Zoe Eisenberg (1)
Studies Show: Marijuana Does Not Make You Stupid
by Zoe Eisenberg (02/21/2016)
Two new studies have further smoked the notion that smoking pot makes you dumb. While methods differed, results in both studies were the same: Marijuana use has no impact on overall levels of intelligence.
Hide details for Elan (1)Elan (1)
Pay The Piper! Call The Tune!
by Elan (12/22/2011)
The debt-money system generates serious problems. One of these is that private banks can create only the amount of the loan; they cannot create the money needed to pay the interest on that loan. There is never, therefore, enough money in the system. This makes growth imperative. The system must grow or die. Debt and the interest on debt grow faster than money and income because debt is the only way to create new money. If the money supply cannot keep up to the cost of debt and interest, the economy will stall. When the burden of debt exceeds the capacity of debtors to pay, or the willingness of lenders to lend, the system must fail.
Hide details for Steve Elliott (1)Steve Elliott (1)
Who’s To Blame For The Death Of Medical Marijuana In Washington State?
by Steve Elliott (06/15/2016)
Hide details for Pastor Sheldon Emry (1)Pastor Sheldon Emry (1)
Billions for the Bankers
Debt for the People
by Pastor Sheldon Emry
The Real Story of the Money Control Over America. Billions for the Bankers started out as a small pamphlet back in the 60s. In later life Pastor Emry was able to improve it and expand it into book form, with illustrations.
Hide details for Louis Even (1)Louis Even (1)
The Money Myth Exploded
by Louis Even (07/02/2000)
This classic tale of ship-wrecked survivors struggling with a corrupt money system demonstrates the oldest trick in the bankers book. The Canadian Social Credit system saves the survivors -- but can it save Canada?
Hide details for Securities and Exchange Commission (1)Securities and Exchange Commission (1)
So-Called "Prime" Bank and Similar Financial Instruments
by Securities and Exchange Commission
The Securities and Exchange Commission is alerting investors to the recent rise in possibly fraudulent schemes involving the issuance, trading or use of so-called "prime" bank, "prime" European bank or "prime" world bank financial instruments.
Hide details for Farm Journal (1)Farm Journal (1)
Electricity from Manure Gases
by Farm Journal (05/05/1963)
Hide details for Andrew Foote (1)Andrew Foote (1)
Medical marijuana patients can grow 'limited amount' of cannabis at home under new laws
Change comes after Federal Court said old rules were unconstitutional
by Andrew Foote (08/11/2016)
Hide details for National Center for Constitutional Studies (1)National Center for Constitutional Studies (1)
101 Questions About The Constitution
by National Center for Constitutional Studies (05/12/2000)
Hide details for Benjamin Franklin (2)Benjamin Franklin (2)
A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency
by Benjamin Franklin (01/01/1729)
There is a certain proportionate Quantity of Money requisite to carry on the Trade of a Country freely and currently; More than which would be of no Advantage in Trade, and Less, if much less, exceedingly detrimental to it.
On the Price of Corn, and Management of the Poor
by Benjamin Franklin (11/29/1766)
Show details for Albert Friedberg (1)Albert Friedberg (1)
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