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Show details for Wayne Stump, Arizona State Senator (1)Wayne Stump, Arizona State Senator (1)
Show details for Robert Armengol (1)Robert Armengol (1)
Show details for The AWARE Group (12)The AWARE Group (12)
Show details for Dr. John W. Baer (1)Dr. John W. Baer (1)
Show details for Frederic Bastiat (2)Frederic Bastiat (2)
Show details for Robert Batemarco (1)Robert Batemarco (1)
Show details for Tracy Beanz (1)Tracy Beanz (1)
Show details for Larry Becraft (2)Larry Becraft (2)
Show details for Jim Bennett (3)Jim Bennett (3)
Show details for Bill Benson (1)Bill Benson (1)
Show details for Steffan M. Bertsch (1)Steffan M. Bertsch (1)
Show details for William Blase (2)William Blase (2)
Show details for Boston Committee of Correspondence (1)Boston Committee of Correspondence (1)
Show details for James Bovard (1)James Bovard (1)
Show details for Brian (2)Brian (2)
Show details for J. Dianne Brinson and Mark F. Radcliffe (1)J. Dianne Brinson and Mark F. Radcliffe (1)
Show details for Ellen H. Brown (1)Ellen H. Brown (1)
Show details for Leslee Dru Browning (1)Leslee Dru Browning (1)
Show details for Major General Smedley Butler (1)Major General Smedley Butler (1)
Hide details for Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (1)Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (1)
War Is A Racket
by Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (01/01/1935)
The Anti-War Classic. "Much of War is a Racket was stock antiwar, anti-imperialist idiom, part of an American tradition dating back to the eighteenth century. Butler's particular contribution was his recantation, denouncing war on moral grounds after having been a warrior hero and spending most of his life as a military insider. The theme remained vigorously patriotic and nationalistic, decrying imperialism as a disgrace rooted in the greed of a privleged few." -- Hans Schmidt
Show details for Patrick S. J. Carmack (1)Patrick S. J. Carmack (1)
Show details for Greg Caton (1)Greg Caton (1)
Show details for Jonathan Chevreau (1)Jonathan Chevreau (1)
Show details for Noam Chomsky (1)Noam Chomsky (1)
Show details for Marquis Circle (1)Marquis Circle (1)
Show details for Erin Collins (1)Erin Collins (1)
Show details for Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (1)Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (1)
Show details for Duhaime & Company (1)Duhaime & Company (1)
Show details for Continental Congress (2)Continental Congress (2)
Show details for Jordyn Cormie (1)Jordyn Cormie (1)
Show details for Roy Davies (1)Roy Davies (1)
Show details for © Roy Davies & Glyn Davies, 1999 (1)© Roy Davies & Glyn Davies, 1999 (1)
Show details for Alexis de Tocqueville (1)Alexis de Tocqueville (1)
Show details for Frederick Douglass (1)Frederick Douglass (1)
Show details for Duke University (1)Duke University (1)
Show details for Editor (15)Editor (15)
Show details for Zoe Eisenberg (1)Zoe Eisenberg (1)
Show details for Elan (1)Elan (1)
Show details for Steve Elliott (1)Steve Elliott (1)
Show details for Pastor Sheldon Emry (1)Pastor Sheldon Emry (1)
Show details for Louis Even (1)Louis Even (1)
Show details for Securities and Exchange Commission (1)Securities and Exchange Commission (1)
Show details for Farm Journal (1)Farm Journal (1)
Show details for Andrew Foote (1)Andrew Foote (1)
Show details for National Center for Constitutional Studies (1)National Center for Constitutional Studies (1)
Show details for Benjamin Franklin (2)Benjamin Franklin (2)
Show details for Albert Friedberg (1)Albert Friedberg (1)
Show details for Mike Geary (1)Mike Geary (1)
Show details for Georgetown University Advanced Vehicle Development (1)Georgetown University Advanced Vehicle Development (1)
Show details for Steve Gibson (1)Steve Gibson (1)
Show details for Skip Goebel (1)Skip Goebel (1)
Show details for Bettina Bien Greaves (1)Bettina Bien Greaves (1)
Show details for Viktor S. Grebennikov (1)Viktor S. Grebennikov (1)
Show details for Alan Greenspan (2)Alan Greenspan (2)
Show details for Max Greenwood (2)Max Greenwood (2)
Show details for G. Edward Griffin (3)G. Edward Griffin (3)
Show details for G. Edward Griffin (1)G. Edward Griffin (1)
Show details for The Aware Group (4)The Aware Group (4)
Show details for Emil Guillermo (1)Emil Guillermo (1)
Show details for Alexander Hamilton (1)Alexander Hamilton (1)
Show details for Paul Harvey (1)Paul Harvey (1)
Show details for Jason Hecker (1)Jason Hecker (1)
Show details for Patrick Henry (1)Patrick Henry (1)
Show details for John Hoefle (1)John Hoefle (1)
Show details for Ron Holland (1)Ron Holland (1)
Show details for L. Ron Hubbard (1)L. Ron Hubbard (1)
Show details for Publius Huldah (1)Publius Huldah (1)
Show details for European Contact Inc. (1)European Contact Inc. (1)
Show details for Christopher Ingraham (1)Christopher Ingraham (1)
Show details for IRS -Criminal Investigation Division (1)IRS -Criminal Investigation Division (1)
Show details for IRS (2)IRS (2)
Show details for Sherry Peel Jackson (1)Sherry Peel Jackson (1)
Show details for Tom Jennings (1)Tom Jennings (1)
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