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Lip service to democracy
by Pierre Lemieux (05/08/2001)
The whole process of Summits of the Americas -- the one in Quebec City being the third -- is not only about the project of a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). It is also about creating a bicontinental cartel of 34 states to prevent competition among governments and to better control their citizens.
Show details for C. S. Lewis (1)C. S. Lewis (1)
Show details for Jared Lindzon (1)Jared Lindzon (1)
Show details for Ferdinand Lips (1)Ferdinand Lips (1)
Show details for MARQUIS Financial Management Systems (1)MARQUIS Financial Management Systems (1)
Show details for Susana Mas (1)Susana Mas (1)
Show details for Richard McDonald (1)Richard McDonald (1)
Show details for William H. McIlhany (1)William H. McIlhany (1)
Show details for Paul McKeever (1)Paul McKeever (1)
Show details for Ryan McMaken (1)Ryan McMaken (1)
Show details for John F. McManus (1)John F. McManus (1)
Show details for Professor John McMurtry (1)Professor John McMurtry (1)
Show details for Peter McWilliams (1)Peter McWilliams (1)
Show details for Dan Meador (1)Dan Meador (1)
Show details for Representative Jack Metcalf (1)Representative Jack Metcalf (1)
Show details for Bob Minairk (1)Bob Minairk (1)
Show details for Stanley K. Monteith, M.D. (1)Stanley K. Monteith, M.D. (1)
Show details for Mother Earth News (1)Mother Earth News (1)
Show details for Eustace Mullins (1)Eustace Mullins (1)
Show details for Bill Murphy (1)Bill Murphy (1)
Show details for Dr. Joe Sweet, M.Div., D.M.Th. (1)Dr. Joe Sweet, M.Div., D.M.Th. (1)
Show details for Matt Neuman (1)Matt Neuman (1)
Show details for Friedrich Nietzsche (1)Friedrich Nietzsche (1)
Show details for Albert Jay Nock (1)Albert Jay Nock (1)
Show details for Albert Jay Nock (1)Albert Jay Nock (1)
Show details for nsnbc international (2)nsnbc international (2)
Show details for Oaktree (1)Oaktree (1)
Show details for Thomas Paine (1)Thomas Paine (1)
Show details for Lawrence M. Parks (1)Lawrence M. Parks (1)
Show details for Lawrence Parks (1)Lawrence Parks (1)
Show details for Congressman Ron Paul (1)Congressman Ron Paul (1)
Show details for Ron Paul (3)Ron Paul (3)
Show details for Pennsylvania School Board Association (1)Pennsylvania School Board Association (1)
Show details for Les Perreaux (1)Les Perreaux (1)
Show details for Mark Pitcavage, Ph.D. (1)Mark Pitcavage, Ph.D. (1)
Show details for Janne Pohjoispää (1)Janne Pohjoispää (1)
Show details for Doug Porter (1)Doug Porter (1)
Show details for Susanne Posel (1)Susanne Posel (1)
Show details for John R. Prukop (1)John R. Prukop (1)
Show details for Puget Sound Business Journal (1)Puget Sound Business Journal (1)
Show details for Ayn Rand (1)Ayn Rand (1)
Show details for Jon Rappoport (1)Jon Rappoport (1)
Show details for Katie Reilly (1)Katie Reilly (1)
Show details for Robert (1)Robert (1)
Show details for Paul Craig Roberts (1)Paul Craig Roberts (1)
Show details for Michael A. Robinson (1)Michael A. Robinson (1)
Show details for Jon Roland (1)Jon Roland (1)
Show details for Alex C Root (12)Alex C Root (12)
Show details for Tom Scambo (1)Tom Scambo (1)
Hide details for Editor (28)Editor (28)
Devvy Kid

Mild-mannered house-wife/lawyer, Devvy Kid, takes on the world! She is true patriot and has a wealth of info on individual rights, taxation, and the direction of America. She has successfully withdrawn from the IRS tax system legally.
FAME - Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education
Find Law

Legal resources and online legal information.
Freedom Above Fortune - Joe Banister - Ex IRS Agent

Former IRS agent stands up to IRS and tells all. Free sample of report on why no one is required to pay US income tax in .PDF format.
History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day, by Glyn Davies

This site contains a chronology, written by Glyn and Roy Davies, and a collection of essays written by Roy Davies on various themes using information based on the book on monetary history with the same title. Very complete.
Internal Revenue Code: Section Index

Internal Revenue Code. Everything you could ever want to know about the tax code.
International Driver's Licenses
IRS - Criminal Investigation Division

Our Mission: In support of the overall IRS Mission, Criminal Investigation serves the American public by investigating potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code and related financial crimes in a manner that fosters confidence in the tax system and compliance with the law.
Merry Christmas 2017
by Editor (12/23/2017)
Offshore Incorporations: Offshore Banking - Residency, Investments, Expatriate News
Rights of Man, by Thomas Paine (1792)

To George Washington, President of the United States of America,
SIR, I present you a small treatise in defence of those principles of freedom which your exemplary virtue hath so eminently contributed to establish. That the Rights of Man may become as universal as your benevolence can wish, and that you may enjoy the happiness of seeing the New World regenerate the Old, is the prayer of
SIR, Your much obliged, and Obedient humble Servant,

This website works to rebuild America’s broken criminal justice system. was launched with the purchase of O.J. Simpson’s Hall of Fame award and jerseys at auction and burning them on the steps of the L.A. Courthouse.
Stop Big Brother

The time to submit comments to the department of Health and Human Services (H.H.S.) about its proposed medical privacy regulations ended February 17, 2000. The time to submit comments to H.H.S. has ended but the process of developing a final rule will continue.
Taxes and the Federal Reserve -- A Short Primer

Imagine that you own a business where no one in government knows who you are, where the IRS never questioned you, and no one in government dared to approach or reproach you. Imagine that you are king of the mountain, and ignorant American citizens are pay you over $17.5 MILLION PER HOUR -- EVERY DAY! Impossible? Truth is stranger than fiction.
The 'Lectric Law Library

The 'Lectric Law Library Lawcopedia's
Topic Area
The Age Of Reason, by Thomas Paine (1794)

To my fellow Citizens of the United States of America, I put the following work under your protection. It contains my opinion upon Religion. You will do me the justice to remember, that I have always strenuously supported the Right of every Man to his own opinion, however different that opinion might be to mine. He who demies to another this right, makes a slave of himself to his present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it.
The most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is Reason. I have never used any other, and I trust I never shall.
Your affectionate friend and fellow citizen, Thomas Paine
Luxembourg, 8th Pluvoise,
Second Year of the French Republic, one and indivisable.
January 27, O.S. 1794
The Center for International Environmental Law

The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) is a public interest, not-for-profit environmental law firm founded in 1989 to strengthen international and comparative environmental law and policy around the world.  CIEL provides a full range of environmental legal services in both international and comparative national law, including: policy research and publication, advice and advocacy, education and training, and institution building.
The Complete Works of Robert Green Ingersoll

The Age of Enlightenment dawned upon the world in that hour when Robert Ingersoll first delivered his lecture on The Gods, the opening chapter of this volume. In that hour the darkness of medieval madness and hypocrisy and witchcraft and superstition began to give way. The armies of the Terrible Unseen commenced to melt away into mist. The phantoms and weird horrors which had haunted the imaginations of men faded in the sunshine and sanity of an Emancipator who was the personal friend of Lincoln and did as much for enslaved minds as Lincoln had done for enslaved bodies!
The Dixieland Law Journal
The Federal Reserve - An Astounding Exposure

Yet another expose on the Fed. Won't anybody listen?
The Golden Sextant

This site takes its name from its proprietor's 1992 essay of the same name. The Golden Sextant won the first Bank Lips AG International Currency Prize. The subtitle of this site is MPEG, standing here for Money, Politics, Economics and Gold. It offers commentary by the proprietor on these topics and occasionally on other subjects. But its raison d'être is to carry on the fight for sound, constitutional money.
The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society
The Making of America

Materials accessible here are Cornell University Library's contributions to Making of America (MOA), a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. This site provides access to 267 monograph volumes and over 100,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. The project represents a major collaborative endeavor in preservation and electronic access to historical texts.
The Money Masters Video

Excellent Video on the history of money.
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