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1895 Eighth Grade Final Exam
Salina, Kansas
by Smoky Valley Genealogical Society and Library (05/05/1895)
Could you have passed the 8th Grade in 1895? In 1885 the 8th grade was considered upper level education. Many children quit school as soon as they could master the basic fundamentals of the 3 R's (reading, writing and arithmetic). Most never went past the 3rd or 4th grade. That's all you needed for the farm and most city jobs. Child labor laws were not in existence. Additionally today's education has much more focus on technology and sociology than the grammar and geography of old. It's a different world with different requirements and capabilities needed to succeed.
Show details for Sons of Liberty (1)Sons of Liberty (1)
Show details for Gary P Sorenson (1)Gary P Sorenson (1)
Show details for Matthew Spalding (1)Matthew Spalding (1)
Show details for Lysander Spooner (3)Lysander Spooner (3)
Show details for Chrales T. Sprading (1)Chrales T. Sprading (1)
Show details for Graham L Strachan (1)Graham L Strachan (1)
Show details for Tamara Straus (1)Tamara Straus (1)
Show details for George Abraham Thampy (1)George Abraham Thampy (1)
Show details for J.A. Thauberger (1)J.A. Thauberger (1)
Show details for The Earl of Caithness (1)The Earl of Caithness (1)
Show details for The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1)The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1)
Show details for The Guardian (1)The Guardian (1)
Show details for Harold Thomas (1)Harold Thomas (1)
Show details for New York Times (1)New York Times (1)
Show details for Cambridge Trust (1)Cambridge Trust (1)
Show details for Jeffrey A. Tucker (1)Jeffrey A. Tucker (1)
Show details for Rob Tuinstra (1)Rob Tuinstra (1)
Show details for United Nations (1)United Nations (1)
Show details for United States Congress (1)United States Congress (1)
Show details for Unknown (4)Unknown (4)
Show details for Charles Del Valle (1)Charles Del Valle (1)
Show details for Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1)Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1)
Show details for George Washington (2)George Washington (2)
Show details for Simon Wells (1)Simon Wells (1)
Show details for Walter E. Williams (2)Walter E. Williams (2)
Show details for Rex Wilson (1)Rex Wilson (1)
Show details for WorldNewsDaily (1)WorldNewsDaily (1)
Show details for Dr. Jonathan V. Wright (1)Dr. Jonathan V. Wright (1)
Show details for Edward Zehr (1)Edward Zehr (1)
Show details for Paul Zimmerman (1)Paul Zimmerman (1)
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Hide details for ACR (52)ACR (52)
2-Way Internet Satellite Options
There are a number of satellite internet solutions to choose from. Start small and expand as your needs demand. Now available in Belize - Corozal, San Pedro, Cayo.
2-Way Satellite Internet - Costa Rica
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Venuzuela, Argentina
About Us
Account Management
Answers about Pure Trusts
The greatest secret of the ultra rich for avoiding the hated income tax is A PURE TRUST, more commonly known as a "contractual agreement."
Belizean Trust FAQ
Artical about Belizean Trust Law and FAQ on Belizean Trusts
Brief History of Money in America
US History of Money 1867-1960
Controlled Media Inc.
To control the media, FED bankers call in their loans if the media disagrees with them. Going against the Fed can also be unhealthy for one's career.
Direcway 2-Way Internet Satellite Pricing
for DW7000, DW6000 & iNetVu
Direcway 2-Way Internet Satellite Pricing (Archive)
for DW6000, DW4000, DW4020 & iNetVu
Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet
High-Speed Internet Via Satellite
High-speed Internet connectivity with a Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet system is 30 times faster than dial-up. Connect from nearly anywhere in world! No cable or DSL in your area? No problem! Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet communications allow direct connect to the Internet without a phone line.
Direcway DW6000 Airtime Pricing
Americas, Caribbean, Europe, Middle East, Northern Africa
Direcway airtime pricing for the Americas and the Caribbean,.
Direcway Hardware Euro/Asia Pricing
for DW6000, DW4000, DW4020 & iNetVu
Fixed and mobile Direcway satellite systems for Europe, Northern Africa, Middle East, and Western Asia.
Direcway Hardware Pricing
for DW6000, DW4000, DW4020 & iNetVu
Fixed and mobile Direcway satellite systems.
Direcway in Belize
High-speed Internet via Satellite
Direcway High-Speed Internet is now available in Belize. 2-Way satellite communications provide an always-on high-speed connection.
Direcway in Canada
High-speed Internet via Satellite
Direcway High-Speed Satellite Internet is now available in Canada. 2-Way satellite internet communications provide an always-on high-speed internet connection.
Direcway in Costa Rica
Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet
Direcway Satellite Internet service is now available in Costa Rica to non-commercial clients. High-speed internet via satellite dish is 10 times faster than dial-up. But Costa Rica is on the fringes of the satellite footprint, and startup costs are high.
Direcway in Honduras
Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet
Direcway Satellite Internet service is now available in Honduras. High-speed internet via satellite dish is 10 times faster than dial-up. The always-on connection is much cheaper than Hondutel for even better service. Roatan, La Ceiba, SPS, Tegucigalpa.
Direcway in Ontario
High-speed Internet via Satellite
Direcway High-Speed Satellite Internet is now available in Ontario. 2-Way satellite internet communications provide an always-on high-speed internet connection.
Direcway in Quebec
High-speed Internet via Satellite
Direcway High-Speed Satellite Internet is now available in Quebec. 2-Way satellite internet communications provide an always-on high-speed internet connection.
Direcway in Quebec
Haut-vitesse Internet via satellite
Le service d'internet par satellite Direcway est disponible au Québec maitenant. Communications par bi-directionnel à l'internet par satellite est haut-vitesse.
Direcway in Roatan
Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet
Direcway Satellite Internet service is now available in Roatan and the Bay Islands of Honduras. High-speed internet via satellite dish is 10 times faster than dial-up. The always-on connection is much cheaper than Hondutel for even better service. Roatan, Utila, Guanaja.
Direcway in the Middle East
Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet
Direcway Satellite Internet service is now available in the MIddle East. High-speed internet via satellite dish is 10 times faster than dial-up. Available in Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and other select countries in the MIddle East.
Direcway Installers
Installers of Direcway Installations
Need a Direcway Satellite Internet Installation? We'll find the installer in your area. Direcway installed and serviced by Direcway professionals.
Direcway / HughesNet DW7000 Airtime Pricing
Americas & Caribbean
Direcway / HughesNet DW7000 airtime pricing for the Americas and the Caribbean
Does the FBI Consider you a Terrorist?
If you are a 'defender of the Constitution', you fit the profile
Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation created this flyer during Clinton's Presidency, asking the recipients to help them fight domestic terrorism. It has been confirmed by many phone calls to the FBI and Phoenix local law enforcement that such publications were being given, by the FBI, to local law enforcement. It was not intended for the general public to know such FBI domestic terrorist definitions. "Defenders of the Constitution" are listed as potential terrorists. Do you fit the domestic terrorist profile?
FDR - And The Raw Deal
"New Deal" was the new title chosen for the socialist agenda. Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law, doubted that FDR was the originator of this vast "recovery" effort.
Global Strike April 15th
Stay Home To Protest Against Corruption
On April 15th, people around the world will be staying home in protest against government corruption and unlawful taxation. Citizens from the US, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany and other countries around the world will be participating in non-violent, non-cooperation with evil by abstaining from any monetary transactions, buying or selling. Families will be staying home and enjoying their company. All Americans that favour abolishing the Federal Reserve and the income tax will be on strike or calling in sick in protest on April 15, 2008. Citizens of other countries will stay home, too, in protest of their own privately-owned central banks and associated taxes.
iNetVu Mobile Satellite Internet - iNetVu
iNetVu High-Speed Internet from virutally ANYWHERE!
iNetVu Mobile Satellite Internet is a reliable way to connect to the Internet from virtually anywhere. InetVu mobile satellite solutions include emergency response vehicles, recreational vehicles (RV's), trade shows, research vehicles in the field, and more. iNetVu mobile satellite delivers high-speed internet so wherever you are, there you go!
Lotus Notes/Domino
Development, Administration, and Management of Lotus Notes/Domino
Lotus Notes/Domino is a solid platform for networked applications, remote development, and international project management. Lotus Notes/Domino solutions, programmings, business analysis, and network migrations. Lotus Notes/Domino professionals.
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Roatan Internet
DSL, Fiber Optic, Wireless, Satellite, and Telephone Services
Roatan high-speed internet is here! Roatan DSL, fiber optics, wireless, satellite, and voice solutions. Roatan's most reliable internet services.
SEC Rules and Regulations
Text of the federal securities laws and their accompanying rules and forms.
Subversive Liberty: Pierre Lemieux

Born in Sherbrooke, Québec, Pierre Lemieux is an economist, author, teacher, and consultant. He is presently Visiting Professor in the Department of Administrative Sciences, Université du Québec à Hull (Canada), and cochairman of the GREL (Groupe de Recherche Économie et Liberté). He has given numerous conferences and published many articles in international journals, magazines, and newspapers.
Telemanage WiFi
Wireless Internet in Belize
Wireless Internet service is now available in Belize. Corozal, San Pedro, Cayo, and other remote locations. Products offers a host of products for the 'TeleWorkplace'. From the hardware that powers telecommunications to the software that makes it work for you, our products will make and/or save our clients money while empowering the workforce that is so vital to success. Services customizes solutions for peak performance in a dynamic and ever-expanding workplace. Yes, we build web sites, private and public, but our specialty is Process Design and IT Integration. Taking a holistic approach to organizational management, we promote the life and health of the company as well as the bottom-line.
The Bretton Woods Agreements
The Bretton Woods system of international monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world's major industrial states. The Bretton Woods system was the first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern monetary relations among independent nation-states. Setting up a system of rules, institutions, and procedures to regulate the international monetary system, the Bretton Woods Agreement established the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
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