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| Sorry, Mr. Franklin, “We’re All Democrats Now” by Ron Paul (01/29/2003) At the close of the Constitutional Conventional in 1787, Benjamin Franklin told an inquisitive citizen that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention gave the people “a Republic, if you can keep it.” We should apologize to Mr. Franklin. It is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders had strongly warned... (Speech before House of Representatives, Jan 29, 2003) |  |
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| The Bretton Woods Agreements The Bretton Woods system of international monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world's major industrial states. The Bretton Woods system was the first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern monetary relations among independent nation-states. Setting up a system of rules, institutions, and procedures to regulate the international monetary system, the Bretton Woods Agreement established the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). |  |
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| The Criminality of the State by Albert Jay Nock (03/01/1939) "Stripping the American State of the enormous power it has acquired is a full-time job for our citizens and a stirring one; and if they attend to it properly they will have no energy to spare for fighting communism, or for hating Hitler, or for worrying about South America or Spain, or for anything whatever, except what goes on right here in the United States." |  |
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| The Library of Economics and Liberty http://www.econlib.org/ The Library of Economics and Liberty is dedicated to advancing the study of economics, markets, and liberty. It offers a unique combination of resources for students, teachers, researchers, and aficionados of economic thought. |  |
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| The Money Changers by Patrick S. J. Carmack (12/02/2003) The history of 'the money changers' and the control of the world's wealth through the fraud that is fractional reserve banking. |  |
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| Two Centuries of Intrigue by William H. McIlhany (09/16/1996) Down through the ages there have been many secret societies and conspiratorial movements that had as their goals the absolute overthrow of all existing governments, and the final destruction of all religion. Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt (in Bavaria, Germany) established a continuing organizational structure to direct the worldwide attack on religion and monarchy—a structure which would, he hoped, eventually rule the world. The organization Weishaupt founded on May 1, 1776 was called the Order of the Illuminati. |  |
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| UN Observer and International Report, An Independent Journal of International Affairs http://www.unobserver.com/ The U.N. OBSERVER & International Report is totally independent of the United Nations and was founded in 1978, to accurately examine the activities of the United Nations and its Member-States. |  |
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| War Is A Racket by Major General Smedley Butler (01/01/1935) That war is a racket has been told to us by many, but rarely by one of this stature. Though he died in 1940, the highly decorated General Butler deserves to be heralded for his timeless message. His riveting 1935 booklet War is a Racket merits inclusion as required reading for every high school student, and every member of our armed forces today. After reading the following excerpts from this amazingly revealing essay, please forward it to all your friends. By spreading the word far and wide, we can and will create a brighter future for ourselves and for our children. |  |
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| Who Owns the Federal Reserve? Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence by Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (08/15/1976) Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976. |  |
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| Why Gold-Backed Currencies Help Prevent Wars by Ferdinand Lips (08/30/2002) Swiss Banker Tells How Gold-Backed Currency Hinders Wars |  |
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| WILSON'S DESTINY, Part I by Byron King (04/07/2004) The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: The 16th and 17th
constitutional amendments... the Federal Reserve... would it
surprise anyone to learn that these "tools" were
instrumental in shaping the past century? Below, our friend
Byron King takes a look at the man who first wielded them -
the 28th President of the United States. |  |
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| WILSON'S DESTINY, Part II by Byron King (04/08/2004) The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: Were it not for Woodrow
Wilson, what sort of world would we be living in today?
Without Wilson's legacy of "federal credit, national debt,
a large centralized government, and an imperious... moral
ideology built and financed thereon," argues Byron King,
would we recognize our own times? |  |
 | Education (2) |
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| 'Sir Daniel' going to jail by Les Perreaux (08/28/2001) A self-styled knight of Christian orders who cited the King James Bible as authority for his tax evasion was sentenced yesterday to five years, eight months in prison and ordered to pay the $2.4-million he owes the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. |  |
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| Cambridge Trust http://www.cambridge-trust.com Granada Bank and Trust - Offers High Yield CDs - Good IBC Q & A |  |
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| Find an Offshore Location (Carribean) https://www.wheretostay.com/ |  |
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| Glossary of Offshore A - N by Offshore Institute (05/16/2000) Complete source of Offshore terms |  |
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| How Can You Benefit From Going Offshore? by Robert Smith (05/15/2000) If you are a U.S. citizen, be aware that most Americans who go offshore for
fully "legal" reasons and do so in order to get their assets away from the
jurisdiction of potential litigants. |  |
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| Information on Belize http://www.belize.com |  |
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| Information on Costa Rica http://www.costarica.com |  |
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| Information on the Bahamas http://www.bahamas.com/ |  |
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| International Chamber of Commerce https://iccwbo.org/ |  |
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| IRS - Criminal Investigation Division http://www.treas.gov/irs/ci/ Our Mission: In support of the overall IRS Mission, Criminal Investigation serves the American public by investigating potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code and related financial crimes in a manner that fosters confidence in the tax system and compliance with the law. |  |
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| IRS Charges Five with Tax Fraud Global Prosperity Group Founder, David Struckman, Finally Arrested by Puget Sound Business Journal (05/13/2004) David Struckman, the founder of Global Prosperity Group has finally been arrested for promoting bogus tax and investment schemes. |  |
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| More Ways To Protect Your Assets by Jim Bennett (05/17/2000) Your offshore asset protection plan should rely on countries where the
philosophy is, "You deserve to keep your money unless
someone can show an extraordinarily good reason to take it from you." |  |
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| Offshore Corporate Services http://www.offshorecorpservices.com Great site with a great intoduction to the issues of offshore. Books, tapes and newsletter. |  |
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| Offshore Incorporations: Offshore Banking - Residency, Investments, Expatriate News http://www.ascotadvisory.com/ |  |
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| Offshore Investment Debunker http://quatloosia.blogspot.com/ Full of disinformation |  |
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| Offshore & Privacy Secrets June 28, 2000 by Robert Smith (06/28/2000) |  |
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| SEC Rules and Regulations Text of the federal securities laws and their accompanying rules and forms. |  |
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| The Complete Privacy Protection Guide by The AWARE Group (09/18/2000) The material included within this guide contains everything you need to understand Domestic and OffShore trusts, IBC's and OffShore Banking, so that you will have: - A practical way to protect your assets from abusive lawsuits; - A practical way to shrink the burden of income and estate taxes; and - A practical way to safeguard your family's financial privacy. |  |
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| There's no place to hide by Jonathan Chevreau (05/05/2001) Offshore banking isn't illegal, but keeping it secret from the taxman is. |  |
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| Where is Everyone Going? by ? (05/16/2000) What is an Expatriate ? Why Do People Expatriate? What are the Benefits?
Is it Illegal? What Does it Mean to Become an Expatriate? |  |
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| Why Do Investors Go "Offshore by ? (05/15/2000) As long as there has been money, people have wondered how to keep it. And the
more money, the more urgent the question. |  |
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