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|  | | The Coinage Act of 1792 by United States Congress (04/02/1792) Still in effect today, the Coinage Act of 1792 establishes the rules for regulating the coins of the United States of America as per the US Constitution. Interesting to note, debasing the currency by any officer of the government is punishable by death. |  |
 |  | | The Oncoming Monetary Collapse by Lawrence M. Parks (07/12/1998) If the notion of a small group of private companies creating $900 billion out of nothing is confusing to you, it is only because the concept is so blatantly outrageous. By the way, they don't call it creating money. They use jargon to confuse you. They call it "fractional reserve lending." |  |
|  | | Whither Gold? Part 1 by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996) A indepth history of the use of Gold as a holder true vaule and the
manipulation of Gold by bankers as our Consitutional currency. |  |
 |  | | Whither Gold? Part 2 by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996) |  |
|  | | Whither Gold? Part 3 by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996) |  |
 |  | | Why Gold-Backed Currencies Help Prevent Wars by Ferdinand Lips (08/30/2002) Swiss Banker Tells How Gold-Backed Currency Hinders Wars |  |
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