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Canadian Dept of Justice to Advise Marijuana Legalization Plan
by Susana Mas (06/30/2016)
Colombia Legalizes Medical Marijuana
by nsnbc international (01/01/2016)
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos signed a decree legalizing the growing and sale of marijuana for medical purposes. The decree comes against the backdrop of the ongoing peace negotiations between the FARC-EP and the Colombian government and signed agreements about illicit drugs.
DEA & FDA Prepare for Federal Legalization of Marijuana
by Susanne Posel (04/23/2016)
The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) have given their permission for clinical trials to begin for therapeutic use of marijuana on veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is a 180 degree turn from the DEA’s stance on marijuana just 6 months ago.
Illinois Is the Latest State to Decriminalize Small Amounts of Marijuana
Pot possession is now punishable by a citation, instead of a jail time
by Katie Reilly (07/30/2016)
Ontario Hits a Homerun by Choosing Shopify to Manage Online Cannabis Sales
by Max Greenwood (02/12)
The Ontario government has announced a deal to use Shopify’s e-commerce platform to help conduct both their online and in-store sales of soon-to-be-legalized cannabis. The Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation (OCRC), a subsidiary of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), will utilize the Ottawa-based Shopify’s platform to facilitate online as well as brick and mortar sales.
Uruguay’s President Rose Mujica signs Marijuana Legalization Bill
by nsnbc ìnternational (12/25/2013)
Uruguay’s President Jose Mujica has signed a bill, legalizing the cultivation and recreational use of marijuana. Mujica signed the bill into law after the Senate adopted the bill on Monday 14 December. Mujica brushed off harsh criticism from the UN’s INCB chief Raymond Yans, who had accused Mujica of not consulting with him first. An accusation President Mujica responded to by saying that the old man should stop lying and accusations of double standards. 
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Brainwashing - Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
by L. Ron Hubbard (10/01/1955)
This controversial book's origin is dubious at best. Several different versions have been found published under different names. By all acounts, however, it appears to be written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1955 as Dianetics propoganda. Who's brainwashing whom?
Conservative Liberal or Liberal Conservative?
by Eric Schaub (04/16/2004)
Conservative Liberal or Liberal Conservative?
Doesn't it take 2 wings to fly?
by Eric Schaub (04/16/2004)
Downsize DC

We believe the federal government has grown too large, too intrusive, and too expensive. We believe in constitutional limits, small government, civil liberties, federalism, and low taxes.
It Takes Two Wings to Fly
Letter from the Editor of Liberty Quotes - Autumn 2014
by Eric Schaub (09/22/2014)
Judge Sturges' Speech
Hard Money Advocated -- The Duty of Democrats
by New York Times (09/16/1875)
Speech at the New York Democratic Convention, September 16, 1875 given by Judge Sturges: "Then what is our duty? Our duty is to put men at the helm of the National and State Governments who will curtail these expenses and lop off all that are unnecessary until their promises are up to par, [great applause,] and then repeal your legal-tender act. That is resumption, and not by legislative enactment."
Libertarian? Conservative? Classic Liberal? Leftivists don’t just believe you’re a bad person — they WANT to believe it
by A Journalist Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous (06/30)
Merry Christmas 2014
Letter from the Editor of Liberty Quotes - Winter 2014
by Eric Schaub (12/22/2014)
Merry Christmas 2017
by Editor (12/23/2017)
Our Enemy, the State
by Albert Jay Nock (10/01/1935)
Originally published in 1935, this elegant essay on the nature of the state shows the important distinction between state power and social power. "Every assumption of power, whether by gift or seizure," Nock writes, "leaves society with so much less power; there is never, nor can be, any strengthening of State power without a corresponding and roughly equivalent depletion of social power."
Ron Paul's Farewell Address to Congress
by Ron Paul (11/14/2012)
"I have come to one firm conviction after these many years of trying to figure out 'the plain truth of things.'  The best chance for achieving peace and prosperity, for the maximum number of people world-wide, is to pursue the cause of LIBERTY. "
Sorry, Mr. Franklin, “We’re All Democrats Now”
by Ron Paul (01/29/2003)
At the close of the Constitutional Conventional in 1787, Benjamin Franklin told an inquisitive citizen that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention gave the people “a Republic, if you can keep it.” We should apologize to Mr. Franklin. It is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders had strongly warned... (Speech before House of Representatives, Jan 29, 2003)
The Communist Manifesto
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels (01/01/1848)
Now that we have seen the fruits of Communism, judge for yourself whether it is a con or not.
The Smirking Chimp

Alternative news source covering abuses of power and cover-ups by the US government.
The Thirty Tyrants
The deal that the American elite chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta
by Lee Smith (02/03)
In Chapter 5 of The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli describes three options for how a conquering power might best treat those it has defeated in war. The first is to ruin them; the second is to rule directly; the third is to create “therein a state of the few which might keep it friendly to you.”
UC Berkeley History Professor’s Open Letter Against BLM, Police Brutality and Cultural Orthodoxy
by Tracy Beanz (06/12)
An anonymous, open letter from a professor at UC Berkeley in the History Department regarding BLM and the absence of diversity of opinion on the topic of the recent protests and the community response to them.
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