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|  | | Willing Slaves of the Welfare State Is Progress Possible? by C. S. Lewis (07/20/1958) |  |
 |  | | World Trade Organization by Congressman Ron Paul (03/31/2000) Now we have a global trade agency that can actually overrule our laws. For example, the WTO is now claiming that we are not taxing our small companies enough, and that is an unfair trade advantage! We are supposed to raise taxes at the orders of international bureaucrats in Geneva! |  |
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|  | | Lip service to democracy by Pierre Lemieux (05/08/2001) The whole process of Summits of the Americas -- the one in Quebec City being the third -- is not only about the project of a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). It is also about creating a bicontinental cartel of 34 states to prevent competition among governments and to better control their citizens. |  |
 |  | | Subversive Liberty: Pierre Lemieux http://www.pierrelemieux.org/ Born in Sherbrooke, Québec, Pierre Lemieux is an economist, author, teacher, and consultant. He is presently Visiting Professor in the Department of Administrative Sciences, Université du Québec à Hull (Canada), and cochairman of the GREL (Groupe de Recherche Économie et Liberté). He has given numerous conferences and published many articles in international journals, magazines, and newspapers. |  |
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