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Trusts and the Untrustworthy
"Pure Trusts" and "Patriots for Profit"
by Mark Pitcavage, Ph.D. (04/07/1999)
This report is the "pure trust" scam, which has migrated to -- and flourished on -- the Internet. "Pure trust" schemes are those in which people are convinced to place all of their assets into a number of trusts of dubious legitimacy in order to hide their assets from creditors and tax collectors. This report explains the primary targets of the scam, the nature of the "product" offered, the pitch the scammers use, the true status of such trusts and the consequences for those people who actually purchase "pure trusts." It also describes other, related scams and frauds that are similar to are aimed at a similar audience, and offers a few suggestions as to ways to help solve the problem.
Unincorporated Business Trust Organization Part 1
by Dr. Joe Sweet, M.Div., D.M.Th. (05/09/2000)
Essay on the international, sovereign, pure, private, non-statutory, non-associated unincorporated business trust organization (UBTO)
Unincorporated Business Trust Organization Part 2
An individual does not own, nor control, nor benefit from the assets of the UBTO; as an individual he becomes, lives and dies a Pauper, but with the blessings of his family!
Ways to Protect Your Assets
by Jim Bennett (05/09/2000)
Eleven requirements of a powerful, effective asset protection plan. Seven secrets of choosing the country best able to protect your assets.
by IFC (05/09/2000)
Show details for UN (3)UN (3)
Show details for US Government (33)US Government (33)
Show details for US History (34)US History (34)
Show details for VISA Cards (1)VISA Cards (1)
Hide details for War On Drugs (3)War On Drugs (3)
An American Hero, Peter McWilliams, Is Dead,
Murdered by the Feds
by Paul Zimmerman (06/17/2000)
Eulogy by Paul Zimmerman
Sorry, Mr. Franklin, “We’re All Democrats Now”
by Ron Paul (01/29/2003)
At the close of the Constitutional Conventional in 1787, Benjamin Franklin told an inquisitive citizen that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention gave the people “a Republic, if you can keep it.” We should apologize to Mr. Franklin. It is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders had strongly warned... (Speech before House of Representatives, Jan 29, 2003)
Uncle Sam's Bankers Are Starting to See Weed Our Way
by Michael A. Robinson (03/01)
Some of the clouds surrounding banking and marijuana-related companies have cleared. That's thanks to the recent end of a 40-month legal fight by Denver, Colo.-based Fourth Corner Credit Union to win favor with the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. On Feb. 2, the Kansas City Fed gave conditional approval to Fourth Corner Credit Union to launch its business catering to cannabis-related companies.
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