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| The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society http://www.thelsas.org |  |
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| The Library of Economics and Liberty http://www.econlib.org/ The Library of Economics and Liberty is dedicated to advancing the study of economics, markets, and liberty. It offers a unique combination of resources for students, teachers, researchers, and aficionados of economic thought. |  |
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| The New World Order: The Middle East and Central America Lecture by Noam Chomsky (11/23/1991) George Bush proclaimed the emergence of a "New World Order" with the defeat of communism and the advent of globalization. What kind of order is it and who does it benefit? MIT professor and dissident Noam Chomsky explains it all during a lecture George Washington University. |  |
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| The Secular Web http://www.infidels.org/ "A drop of reason in a pool of confusion." Articles and historical documents related to the free expression of reason. A good resource for classic writings critiquing organized religion for its attacks on liberty and reason. |  |
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| THOMAS - US Congress on the Net https://www.congress.gov/search?q=%7B%22source%22%3A%22legislation%22%7D Index to US congressional legislation, record, and information. |  |
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| Today's Middle East Conflict Born At Versailles by Ron Holland (05/10/2001) Although not mentioned today in the establishment news - much of the Middle East problems today stem from actions by European governments at the close of World War One with decisions made at the well known Treaty of Versailles. Thomas Jefferson described history best when he said, "History, in general only informs us what bad government is". This was certainly true in the Middle East during the early 20th century. |  |
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| Totalitarianism: The Unseen Terrorist Pattern Why Is There a War In Afghanistan? by Professor John McMurtry (12/09/2001) Talk given by Professor John McMurtry of Guelph University to the Science for Peace Teach-In entitled "How Should Canada Respond to War and Terrorism". Sunday December 9, 2001 on the campus of the University of Toronto. |  |
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| Universal Declaration of Human Rights Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948 by United Nations (12/10/1948) On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Following this historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories." |  |
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| We The People Organization http://www.givemeliberty.org/ Founded by Robert Schultz, this organization takes action by organizing media events and petitions for Constitutional government at the federal and state levels. Many 'players' in the tax-reform movement have been speakers at their Citizen Summits. |  |
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| What Shall Be Done with the Slaves If Emancipated? Douglass' Monthly, January, 1862 by Frederick Douglass (01/01/1862) This question has been answered, and can be answered in many ways. Primarily, it is a question less for man than for God—less for human intellect than for the laws of nature to solve. It assumes that nature has erred; that the law of liberty is a mistake; that freedom, though a natural want of the human soul, can only be enjoyed at the expense of human welfare, and that men are better off in slavery than they would or could be in freedom; that slavery is the natural order of human relations, and that liberty is an experiment. What shall be done with them? |  |
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| Why hack DSS? by Kayo (09/03/2001) Obviously, it would be impossible for me to offer an explanation as to why everyone who hacks DSS does so. The reasons are likely as varied as we all are as individuals. And although DTV might like to simply use a broad brush and paint hackers as nothing more than common thieves who are simply motivated by the selfish desire to get something for nothing, the facts often run contrary to that simplistic explanation. For example, if you just take the time to read a modest sampling of the posts in alt.dss.hack over the course of any given month, it becomes obvious that there are some very talented, intelligent, affluent and, believe it or not, ethical people involved in this hobby. It therefore becomes equally obvious that personal gain, the driving motive behind true theft, is not at all a factor in the decision of many people to hack DSS. |  |
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| Willing Slaves of the Welfare State Is Progress Possible? by C. S. Lewis (07/20/1958) |  |
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| "A Republic, If You Can Keep It" by John F. McManus (11/06/2000) The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it." This exchange was recorded by Constitution signer James McHenry in a diary entry that was later reproduced in the 1906 American Historical Review. |  |
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| "Natural Person" Argument Refuted in Judgement Decision Ontario Superiour Court of Justice by Justice Sedgewick (07/20/2000) Justice Sedgewick from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice refutes the "natural person" argument in his judgement decision re: the Income Tax Act and the case presented by Dave Lindsay, agent for Thomas Kennedy on July 20, 2000 |  |
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| A pocket guide to NSA sabotage by Doug Porter (09/01/2000) The US National Security Agency (NSA) engages in sabotage, much of it against American companies and products. One campaign apparently occurred at about the time when PGP's most serious vulnerability was added. To understand the whole story requires some background. |  |
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| Does the FBI Consider you a Terrorist? If you are a 'defender of the Constitution', you fit the profile Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation created this flyer during Clinton's Presidency, asking the recipients to help them fight domestic terrorism. It has been confirmed by many phone calls to the FBI and Phoenix local law enforcement that such publications were being given, by the FBI, to local law enforcement. It was not intended for the general public to know such FBI domestic terrorist definitions. "Defenders of the Constitution" are listed as potential terrorists. Do you fit the domestic terrorist profile? |  |
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| Electronic Privacy Information Center http://www.epic.org EPIC is a public interest research center in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional values. EPIC is a project of the Fund for Constitutional Government. EPIC works in association with Privacy International, an international human rights group based in London, UK and is also a member of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign, the Internet Free Expression Alliance, the Internet Privacy Coalition, and the Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD). |  |
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| How to keep off The Forbes Richest Four Hundred by Mark Skousen (06/17/2000) A Warren Buffett cannot preserve his privacy, no matter how hard he tries. But if the stock market or the business world has been good to you and you would just as soon not attract a lot of attention, here are some suggestions. |  |
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| How You Lost Your Freedom by Alex C Root (05/17/2000) "When you control someone's money, you in effect control them..........." |  |
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| International Driver's Licenses http://www.idl-international.com |  |
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| Landmark Decision Protecting Privacy by Unknown (06/09/2000) "...decision clearly shows that the SEC stepped out of bounds in trying to
obtain confidential information,..." |  |
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| Lost Rights by James Bovard (05/14/2000) AMERICANS' liberty is perishing beneath the constant growth of government
power. Federal, state, and local governments are confiscating citizens'
property, trampling their rights, and decimating their opportunities more than
ever before. |  |
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| Making phone calls in a tapped country by Rob Tuinstra (05/08/2001) A new device called an "IMSI catcher," switches off cell phone encryption without users knowing it, allowing secret police eavesdropping and location tracing. |  |
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| Offshore FAQ by Jim Bennett (05/15/2000) 1."I'm far from ultra-rich. Is an offshore asset protection plan right for me?"
2."Can't I just wait until I'm sued to deal with this?" |  |
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| Offshore & Privacy Secrets June 28, 2000 by Robert Smith (06/28/2000) |  |
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| Privacy http://www.privacyinternational.org/ News About Privacy From Around The World |  |
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| Privacy: Trails in the Sand by Roger Clarke (05/16/2000) The twentieth century has seen a significant increase in the intensity of our
trails. |  |
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| Sorry, Mr. Franklin, “We’re All Democrats Now” by Ron Paul (01/29/2003) At the close of the Constitutional Conventional in 1787, Benjamin Franklin told an inquisitive citizen that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention gave the people “a Republic, if you can keep it.” We should apologize to Mr. Franklin. It is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders had strongly warned... (Speech before House of Representatives, Jan 29, 2003) |  |
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| Stop Big Brother http://www.stopbigbrother.org/ The time to submit comments to the department of Health and Human Services (H.H.S.) about its proposed medical privacy regulations ended February 17, 2000. The time to submit comments to H.H.S. has ended but the process of developing a final rule will continue. |  |
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| The Anatomy of File Download Spyware http://grc.com/downloaders.htm What do the NetZip-descended file downloaders whisper when they think you are not listening? As you will see on the page below, if you use the RealNetworks RealDownload, Netscape/AOL Smart Download, or NetZip Download Demon utilities in their default configuration . . . EVERY TIME you use one of these utilities to download ANY FILE from ANYWHERE on the Internet, the complete "URL address" of the file, along with a UNIQUE ID TAG that has been assigned to YOUR machine, and (in the case of Netscape's SmartDownload only) YOUR computer's individual Internet IP address, is immediately transmitted to the program's publisher. This allows a database of your entire, personal, file download history to be assembled and uniquely associated with your individual computer ... for whatever purpose the program's publishers may have today, or tomorrow. |  |
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| The Complete Privacy Protection Guide by The AWARE Group (09/18/2000) The material included within this guide contains everything you need to understand Domestic and OffShore trusts, IBC's and OffShore Banking, so that you will have: - A practical way to protect your assets from abusive lawsuits; - A practical way to shrink the burden of income and estate taxes; and - A practical way to safeguard your family's financial privacy. |  |
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| The FBI's House Calls by Emil Guillermo (12/08/2001) |  |
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| The Rise Of The Surveillance State by James Bovard (05/16/2000) While high-tech breakthroughs make business more productive and life more
pleasant, progress also has a dark side. Technology designed for benign
purposes can be used for ill ones too. |  |
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| Why You Should Have A Second Passport by Jim Bennett (05/16/2000) |  |
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