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Direcway in Honduras
Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet
Direcway Satellite Internet service is now available in Honduras. High-speed internet via satellite dish is 10 times faster than dial-up. The always-on connection is much cheaper than Hondutel for even better service. Roatan, La Ceiba, SPS, Tegucigalpa.
Direcway in Ontario
High-speed Internet via Satellite
Direcway High-Speed Satellite Internet is now available in Ontario. 2-Way satellite internet communications provide an always-on high-speed internet connection.
Direcway in Quebec
High-speed Internet via Satellite
Direcway High-Speed Satellite Internet is now available in Quebec. 2-Way satellite internet communications provide an always-on high-speed internet connection.
Direcway in Quebec
Haut-vitesse Internet via satellite
Le service d'internet par satellite Direcway est disponible au Québec maitenant. Communications par bi-directionnel à l'internet par satellite est haut-vitesse.
Direcway in Roatan
Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet
Direcway Satellite Internet service is now available in Roatan and the Bay Islands of Honduras. High-speed internet via satellite dish is 10 times faster than dial-up. The always-on connection is much cheaper than Hondutel for even better service. Roatan, Utila, Guanaja.
Direcway in the Middle East
Direcway 2-Way Satellite Internet
Direcway Satellite Internet service is now available in the MIddle East. High-speed internet via satellite dish is 10 times faster than dial-up. Available in Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and other select countries in the MIddle East.
Direcway Installers
Installers of Direcway Installations
Need a Direcway Satellite Internet Installation? We'll find the installer in your area. Direcway installed and serviced by Direcway professionals.
Direcway / HughesNet DW7000 Airtime Pricing
Americas & Caribbean
Direcway / HughesNet DW7000 airtime pricing for the Americas and the Caribbean
Does the FBI Consider you a Terrorist?
If you are a 'defender of the Constitution', you fit the profile
Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation created this flyer during Clinton's Presidency, asking the recipients to help them fight domestic terrorism. It has been confirmed by many phone calls to the FBI and Phoenix local law enforcement that such publications were being given, by the FBI, to local law enforcement. It was not intended for the general public to know such FBI domestic terrorist definitions. "Defenders of the Constitution" are listed as potential terrorists. Do you fit the domestic terrorist profile?
FDR - And The Raw Deal
"New Deal" was the new title chosen for the socialist agenda. Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law, doubted that FDR was the originator of this vast "recovery" effort.
Global Strike April 15th
Stay Home To Protest Against Corruption
On April 15th, people around the world will be staying home in protest against government corruption and unlawful taxation. Citizens from the US, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany and other countries around the world will be participating in non-violent, non-cooperation with evil by abstaining from any monetary transactions, buying or selling. Families will be staying home and enjoying their company. All Americans that favour abolishing the Federal Reserve and the income tax will be on strike or calling in sick in protest on April 15, 2008. Citizens of other countries will stay home, too, in protest of their own privately-owned central banks and associated taxes.
iNetVu Mobile Satellite Internet - iNetVu
iNetVu High-Speed Internet from virutally ANYWHERE!
iNetVu Mobile Satellite Internet is a reliable way to connect to the Internet from virtually anywhere. InetVu mobile satellite solutions include emergency response vehicles, recreational vehicles (RV's), trade shows, research vehicles in the field, and more. iNetVu mobile satellite delivers high-speed internet so wherever you are, there you go!
Lotus Notes/Domino
Development, Administration, and Management of Lotus Notes/Domino
Lotus Notes/Domino is a solid platform for networked applications, remote development, and international project management. Lotus Notes/Domino solutions, programmings, business analysis, and network migrations. Lotus Notes/Domino professionals.
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Roatan Internet
DSL, Fiber Optic, Wireless, Satellite, and Telephone Services
Roatan high-speed internet is here! Roatan DSL, fiber optics, wireless, satellite, and voice solutions. Roatan's most reliable internet services.
SEC Rules and Regulations
Text of the federal securities laws and their accompanying rules and forms.
Subversive Liberty: Pierre Lemieux

Born in Sherbrooke, Québec, Pierre Lemieux is an economist, author, teacher, and consultant. He is presently Visiting Professor in the Department of Administrative Sciences, Université du Québec à Hull (Canada), and cochairman of the GREL (Groupe de Recherche Économie et Liberté). He has given numerous conferences and published many articles in international journals, magazines, and newspapers.
Telemanage WiFi
Wireless Internet in Belize
Wireless Internet service is now available in Belize. Corozal, San Pedro, Cayo, and other remote locations. Products offers a host of products for the 'TeleWorkplace'. From the hardware that powers telecommunications to the software that makes it work for you, our products will make and/or save our clients money while empowering the workforce that is so vital to success. Services customizes solutions for peak performance in a dynamic and ever-expanding workplace. Yes, we build web sites, private and public, but our specialty is Process Design and IT Integration. Taking a holistic approach to organizational management, we promote the life and health of the company as well as the bottom-line.
The Bretton Woods Agreements
The Bretton Woods system of international monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world's major industrial states. The Bretton Woods system was the first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern monetary relations among independent nation-states. Setting up a system of rules, institutions, and procedures to regulate the international monetary system, the Bretton Woods Agreement established the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The Debenture Game
For over 100 years, the major European banks have bought and sold each others' short and intermediate term, interest bearing, senior debt obligations (Debentures).
The Dieoff

Pictures speak a thousand words at Jay Hanson's The effect of globalisation is indisputable - death for millions.
Unincorporated Business Trust Organization Part 2
An individual does not own, nor control, nor benefit from the assets of the UBTO; as an individual he becomes, lives and dies a Pauper, but with the blessings of his family!
Welcome to
Wi-Fi Antennae
Radiolabs offers a wide range of WiFi antennae, cables, and connectors.
WiFi Networks
Wireless Internet Solutions
WiFi networks and wireless 'hotspots' are cropping up everywhere. Is this the future of the Internet?
Hide details for Alex C Root (3)Alex C Root (3)
Gold and Economic Freedom

Alan Greenspan circa 1967
How You Lost Your Freedom
by Alex C Root (05/17/2000)
"When you control someone's money, you in effect control them..........."

News About Privacy From Around The World
Hide details for Antal E. Fekete (3)Antal E. Fekete (3)
Whither Gold? Part 1
by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996)
A indepth history of the use of Gold as a holder true vaule and the manipulation of Gold by bankers as our Consitutional currency.
Whither Gold? Part 2
by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996)
Whither Gold? Part 3
by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996)
Hide details for Cambridge Trust (1)Cambridge Trust (1)
by Cambridge Trust (05/15/2000)
International Business Companies Frequently Asked Questions. What Is An International Business Company? Why Should I Buy An IBC?
Hide details for David Brierley (1)David Brierley (1)
The Banks, Banking and The Internationalists Part 1
by David Brierley (06/27/1999)
Hide details for Gerry Spence (1)Gerry Spence (1)
Our Cry For Liberty
by Gerry Spence (05/16/2000)
From the book "Give Me Liberty"
Hide details for IFC (1)IFC (1)
by IFC (05/09/2000)
Hide details for IRS (1)IRS (1)
The IRS on Trusts
by IRS (05/09/2000)
The IRS gives us a conficting view on why and how we should and should not use trusts. Playing on fear and lack of knowledge of how trusts and the law works.
Hide details for James Bovard (1)James Bovard (1)
Lost Rights
by James Bovard (05/14/2000)
AMERICANS' liberty is perishing beneath the constant growth of government power. Federal, state, and local governments are confiscating citizens' property, trampling their rights, and decimating their opportunities more than ever before.
Hide details for Jim Bennett (1)Jim Bennett (1)
Why You Should Have A Second Passport
by Jim Bennett (05/16/2000)
Hide details for Jonny Liberty (1)Jonny Liberty (1)
Herd Mentality
by Jonny Liberty (05/14/2000)
Essay on The Herd Mentality, Policing Ourselves, Unveiling the New World Order, Victim Mentality, Limited Imagination and Creating A Paradise on Earth.
Hide details for Offshore Institute (1)Offshore Institute (1)
Glossary of Offshore A - N
by Offshore Institute (05/16/2000)
Complete source of Offshore terms
Hide details for OPC (1)OPC (1)
The Power of Offshore Trusts
by OPC (05/14/2000)
One of the easiest traps to fall into - when deciding how to structure yourself offshore - is to want to own and control the entities so set up.
Hide details for Pat Hammond (1)Pat Hammond (1)
Irwin Schiff
by Pat Hammond (05/18/2000)
Schiff writes books, makes speeches, and spars on radio talk shows, a man driven by the conviction that government illegally extorts income taxes from the people, and gets away with it because federal judges and prosecuting attorneys are corrupt.
Hide details for Robert Smith (1)Robert Smith (1)
How Can You Benefit From Going Offshore?
by Robert Smith (05/15/2000)
If you are a U.S. citizen, be aware that most Americans who go offshore for fully "legal" reasons and do so in order to get their assets away from the jurisdiction of potential litigants.
Hide details for Roger Clarke (1)Roger Clarke (1)
Privacy: Trails in the Sand
by Roger Clarke (05/16/2000)
The twentieth century has seen a significant increase in the intensity of our trails.
Hide details for Unknown (1)Unknown (1)
Landmark Decision Protecting Privacy
by Unknown (06/09/2000)
"...decision clearly shows that the SEC stepped out of bounds in trying to obtain confidential information,..."
Hide details for ? (3)? (3)
History of the Pure Trust
by ? (05/15/2000)
The PURE TRUST has been traced back as far as Plato. There is some evidence that Trusts might have been used in the Roman Empire as early as 800 BC. Trusts were utilized in Britain at that time in history and still are in use today
Where is Everyone Going?
by ? (05/16/2000)
What is an Expatriate ? Why Do People Expatriate? What are the Benefits? Is it Illegal? What Does it Mean to Become an Expatriate?
Why Do Investors Go "Offshore
by ? (05/15/2000)
As long as there has been money, people have wondered how to keep it. And the more money, the more urgent the question.
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