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The Declaration of Independence for Modern Readers
A Satire
by Matt Neuman (07/04/2000)
Given the recent trend to modernize classic works of literature, it seemed logical to modernize one of the great works of American literature: the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson and Co.'s affirmation of freedom and democracy is a wonderful document, but it simply doesn't speak to the current generation of TV-addicted zombies who wouldn't know a remote power from a remote control. With its archaic language and references to an unfamiliar, non-digital world, the D of I is sorely in need of an update to take it into the 21st Century. Hopefully this new version will be taught in our grade schools and civics classes, and a paper copy of it will replace the aging original now decomposing in the National Archives.
The FBI's House Calls
by Emil Guillermo (12/08/2001)
The Federalist Papers -

The original text of the Federalist Papers (also known as The Federalist) was obtained from the e-text archives of Project Gutenberg. View or download the entire plain text version of all of the Federalist Papers as supplied by Project Gutenberg.
The Freemen

Great Links On Freedom
The Grand Deception (2nd Edition)
A Second Look at the War on Terrorism
by G. Edward Griffin (09/14/2001)
The concepts I would like to share with you today were set to paper three days after the terrorist attack against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. I printed about a dozen copies and gave them to family and friends. Since then I have added historical data, but the concepts and the message remain unchanged. Many of the predictions I made have already come to pass; but any pride I might have in being right is far offset by the grim substance of those predictions. The first edition of The Grand Deception was put on the Internet in November of 2001. The second edition, which includes expanded historical information, was released on January 15th, 2002.
The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society
The Library of Economics and Liberty

The Library of Economics and Liberty is dedicated to advancing the study of economics, markets, and liberty. It offers a unique combination of resources for students, teachers, researchers, and aficionados of economic thought.
The New World Order: The Middle East and Central America Lecture
by Noam Chomsky (11/23/1991)
George Bush proclaimed the emergence of a "New World Order" with the defeat of communism and the advent of globalization. What kind of order is it and who does it benefit? MIT professor and dissident Noam Chomsky explains it all during a lecture George Washington University.
The Secular Web

"A drop of reason in a pool of confusion." Articles and historical documents related to the free expression of reason. A good resource for classic writings critiquing organized religion for its attacks on liberty and reason.
THOMAS - US Congress on the Net

Index to US congressional legislation, record, and information.
Today's Middle East Conflict
Born At Versailles
by Ron Holland (05/10/2001)
Although not mentioned today in the establishment news - much of the Middle East problems today stem from actions by European governments at the close of World War One with decisions made at the well known Treaty of Versailles. Thomas Jefferson described history best when he said, "History, in general only informs us what bad government is". This was certainly true in the Middle East during the early 20th century.
Totalitarianism: The Unseen Terrorist Pattern
Why Is There a War In Afghanistan?
by Professor John McMurtry (12/09/2001)
Talk given by Professor John McMurtry of Guelph University to the Science for Peace Teach-In entitled "How Should Canada Respond to War and Terrorism". Sunday December 9, 2001 on the campus of the University of Toronto.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948
by United Nations (12/10/1948)
On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Following this historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories."
We The People Organization

Founded by Robert Schultz, this organization takes action by organizing media events and petitions for Constitutional government at the federal and state levels. Many 'players' in the tax-reform movement have been speakers at their Citizen Summits.
What Shall Be Done with the Slaves If Emancipated?
Douglass' Monthly, January, 1862
by Frederick Douglass (01/01/1862)
This question has been answered, and can be answered in many ways. Primarily, it is a question less for man than for God—less for human intellect than for the laws of nature to solve. It assumes that nature has erred; that the law of liberty is a mistake; that freedom, though a natural want of the human soul, can only be enjoyed at the expense of human welfare, and that men are better off in slavery than they would or could be in freedom; that slavery is the natural order of human relations, and that liberty is an experiment. What shall be done with them? 
Why hack DSS?
by Kayo (09/03/2001)
Obviously, it would be impossible for me to offer an explanation as to why everyone who hacks DSS does so. The reasons are likely as varied as we all are as individuals. And although DTV might like to simply use a broad brush and paint hackers as nothing more than common thieves who are simply motivated by the selfish desire to get something for nothing, the facts often run contrary to that simplistic explanation. For example, if you just take the time to read a modest sampling of the posts in alt.dss.hack over the course of any given month, it becomes obvious that there are some very talented, intelligent, affluent and, believe it or not, ethical people involved in this hobby. It therefore becomes equally obvious that personal gain, the driving motive behind true theft, is not at all a factor in the decision of many people to hack DSS.
Willing Slaves of the Welfare State
Is Progress Possible?
by C. S. Lewis (07/20/1958)
"A Republic, If You Can Keep It"
by John F. McManus (11/06/2000)
The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it." This exchange was recorded by Constitution signer James McHenry in a diary entry that was later reproduced in the 1906 American Historical Review.
"Natural Person" Argument Refuted in Judgement Decision
Ontario Superiour Court of Justice
by Justice Sedgewick (07/20/2000)
Justice Sedgewick from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice refutes the "natural person" argument in his judgement decision re: the Income Tax Act and the case presented by Dave Lindsay, agent for Thomas Kennedy on July 20, 2000
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The "Boston Pamphlet"
by Boston Committee of Correspondence (09/01/1772)
Alarmed by Britain’s decision to remove the colonial assembly’s right to pay the governor’s and judges’ salaries -- thus removing any power it might wield over royal officials -- a group of Boston citizens led by Samuel Adams, James Otis, and Joseph Warren formed a citizens’ committee to oppose the action. The committee compiled a three-part document soon known as the “Boston Pamphlet” and distributed it throughout the colony. The document (1) asserted the colonists’ rights as men under natural law, as Christians under God’s law in the New Testament, and as British subjects under the British constitution; (2) listed twelve violations of those rights by Britain; and (3) invited response from other Massachusetts towns. Soon over one hundred new town “committees of correspondence” had been formed in Massachusetts.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
by Continental Congress (07/04/1776)
'Sir Daniel' going to jail
by Les Perreaux (08/28/2001)
A self-styled knight of Christian orders who cited the King James Bible as authority for his tax evasion was sentenced yesterday to five years, eight months in prison and ordered to pay the $2.4-million he owes the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.
A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency
by Benjamin Franklin (01/01/1729)
There is a certain proportionate Quantity of Money requisite to carry on the Trade of a Country freely and currently; More than which would be of no Advantage in Trade, and Less, if much less, exceedingly detrimental to it.
A Republic, If You Can Keep It
by Ron Paul (02/02/2000)
At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results, and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished, asked him directly: "Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" "A republic if you can keep it," responded Franklin.
A State Senator Explains 14th Amendment Citizenship
by Wayne Stump, Arizona State Senator (10/21/1999)
When one reflects on the meaning of "We the People" in the Consititution of the USA, it would seem to mean that the Preamble People were a class of people who, with the aid of God, originally secured their Liberty with the protections they constructed into the Organic Constitution and the first ten Amendments thereto. This, being the case, tends to bring the import of the 14th Amendment into focus.
Albert Jay Nock, Forgotten Man of the Right
by Jeffrey A. Tucker (08/22/2002)
Here it is in one package, an illustration of the level of learning that had been lost with mass education, a picture of the way a true political dissident from our collectivist period thinks about the modern world, and a comprehensive argument for the very meaning of freedom and civility – all from a man who helped shape the Right's intellectual response to the triumph of the FDR's welfare-warfare State.
Are You Free, Strawman?
by Unknown (11/18/2000)
A good overview on how the government 'legally' lays claim to our bodies and labors -- our 'person'. We are registered as collateral for government bonds (i.e. the public debt) and have essentially the rights of a slave. Read on...
Article I
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article I of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section. The powers and limitations of Congress.
Article II
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article II of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section. Executive branch powers and limitations.
Article IV
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article IV of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section.
Centre for Research on Globalisation / Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation

Behind the News, Analysis, Commentary and Intelligence on the New World Order. Canadian site in English and French. In-depth articles on America's War, Police State, Crimes Against Humanity, Economic Globalisation, Biotechnology, and more. Guerre et mondialisation, analyses et débats.
Citizens for Better Government

Promote honesty in government, expose corruption, teach individuals lawful means of remedy and recourse when faced with government abuse. CBG is a non-profit community based information sharing and resource group open to all persons.
Fraud Shown in Passage of 16th Amendment
by Larry Becraft (04/01/1989)
The federal government and its tax agencies, supported by our congressmen, would like for us to believe that the power of the government to tax was greatly changed by the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment in February 1913. Having been denied the right to tax incomes by a Supreme Court decision in 1895, Uncle Sam claims that, once this Amendment was ratified, a constitutional deficiency was corrected by the Amendment and that after 1913, it had a legal right to claim a portion of income of every American in taxes.
Getting a Social Security Card for your baby is optional
Goodbye Cold War, Hello Resource Wars

Last year Bill Gates went through 4.7 million gallons of water -- nearly 60 times the consumption of a typical homeowner. His water bill was $24,828. He probably gladly paid it (or more likely never saw it) and it made the news not because Americans face water shortages but because the number on the bill ranks decently high among outrageous consumption stories.
But according to Michael Klare, director of the Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College and author of the new Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict, such news may soon be cause for alarm.
Great Free Thinkers

Top 10 Free Thinkers according to 'Punkerslut'.
Lip service to democracy
by Pierre Lemieux (05/08/2001)
The whole process of Summits of the Americas -- the one in Quebec City being the third -- is not only about the project of a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). It is also about creating a bicontinental cartel of 34 states to prevent competition among governments and to better control their citizens.
Model Nullification Resolutions for State Legislatures
The Proposed Tennessee Resolutions of 2012
by Publius Huldah (03/14/2012)
These proposed Resolutions are patterned on the relevant portions of The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, written by Thomas Jefferson, and focus on administrative “rules” made by a Department within the Executive Branch of the federal government. This Model may be easily adapted to address acts of Congress which are outside the scope of its enumerated powers; Executive Orders which are outside the scope of the President’s enumerated powers; and supreme Court opinions which exceed their enumerated powers and disregard the federal Constitution, such as their lawless rulings banning public expressions of the Faith of Our Fathers and misapplying Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment in order to undermine the morals of the People and to destroy the residuary sovereignity of The States.
Nepali Economy & Policy
by Business Age (09/01/2000)
The IMF helps Nepal 'westernize' their tax system. Take a look at how a small nation is reeled in. There's no reference to the lawfulness of such changes. The tax code is proving to be a maze of inconsistencies but the bottom line is that the labours and properties of Nepalese are fair game -- there are no laws that protect the rights of people in Nepal. Here is a perfect example of how it is being done. Be sure to check out the 'Rights of a Taxpayer' as the IMF sees them.
No Treason. No. 1
(Boston: Published by the Author, 1867)
by Lysander Spooner (01/01/1887)
Although this is numbered number 1 there were only three parts to this series (1, 2, and 6) in which Spooner argues that the individual is not bound to obey the American constitution because it justified slavery and otherwise violated individual rights.
No Treason. No. II The Constitution
(Boston: Published by the Author, 1867)
by Lysander Spooner (01/01/1887)
Although this is numbered number 2 there were only three parts to this series (1, 2, and 6) in which Spooner argues that the individual is not bound to obey the American constitution because it justified slavery and otherwise violated individual rights.
No Treason. No. VI The Constitution of no Authority
(Boston: Published by the Author, 1870)
by Lysander Spooner (01/01/1870)
Although this is numbered number 6 there were only three parts to this series (1, 2, and 6) in which Spooner argues that the individual is not bound to obey the American constitution because it justified slavery and otherwise violated individual rights.
Our Enemy, the State
by Albert Jay Nock (10/01/1935)
Originally published in 1935, this elegant essay on the nature of the state shows the important distinction between state power and social power. "Every assumption of power, whether by gift or seizure," Nock writes, "leaves society with so much less power; there is never, nor can be, any strengthening of State power without a corresponding and roughly equivalent depletion of social power."
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