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|  | | The Story of the Buck Act by Richard McDonald (02/20/2002) When passing new statutes, the Federal government always does everything according to the principles of law. In order for the Federal Government to tax a Citizen of one of the several states, they had to create some sort of contractual nexus. This contractual nexus is the "Social Security Number". |  |
 |  | | War Is A Racket by Major General Smedley Butler (01/01/1935) That war is a racket has been told to us by many, but rarely by one of this stature. Though he died in 1940, the highly decorated General Butler deserves to be heralded for his timeless message. His riveting 1935 booklet War is a Racket merits inclusion as required reading for every high school student, and every member of our armed forces today. After reading the following excerpts from this amazingly revealing essay, please forward it to all your friends. By spreading the word far and wide, we can and will create a brighter future for ourselves and for our children. |  |
|  | | Whither Gold? Part 1 by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996) A indepth history of the use of Gold as a holder true vaule and the
manipulation of Gold by bankers as our Consitutional currency. |  |
 |  | | Whither Gold? Part 2 by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996) |  |
|  | | Whither Gold? Part 3 by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996) |  |
 |  | | Who Is Running America? The Bankruptcy of America, the Corporate United States, and the New World Order by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002) Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, "Government As Parent", as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, ALL the assets of the American people, their person, and of our country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation and the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests. |  |
|  | | Who Owns the Federal Reserve? Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence by Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (08/15/1976) Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976. |  |
 |  | | WILSON'S DESTINY, Part I by Byron King (04/07/2004) The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: The 16th and 17th
constitutional amendments... the Federal Reserve... would it
surprise anyone to learn that these "tools" were
instrumental in shaping the past century? Below, our friend
Byron King takes a look at the man who first wielded them -
the 28th President of the United States. |  |
|  | | WILSON'S DESTINY, Part II by Byron King (04/08/2004) The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: Were it not for Woodrow
Wilson, what sort of world would we be living in today?
Without Wilson's legacy of "federal credit, national debt,
a large centralized government, and an imperious... moral
ideology built and financed thereon," argues Byron King,
would we recognize our own times? |  |
 |  | | World Trade Organization by Congressman Ron Paul (03/31/2000) Now we have a global trade agency that can actually overrule our laws. For example, the WTO is now claiming that we are not taxing our small companies enough, and that is an unfair trade advantage! We are supposed to raise taxes at the orders of international bureaucrats in Geneva! |  |
 | US History (34) |
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 | War On Drugs (3) |
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 | (7) |
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