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The 13th Amendment 'Disappears'
Titles of Nobility and Honor
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Twenty years after the passage of the Bill of Rights, in January, 1810, Senator Reed proposed another "title of nobility" Amendment. On April 27, 1810, the Senate voted to pass the 13th Amendment by a vote of 26 to 1; the House resolved in the affirmative 87 to 3; and the following resolve was sent to the States for ratification. After 12 of the required 13 states had ratified the Amendment, war broke out with England, and Washington was burned along with most of the federal governments records. Was it ratified or not?
The Age Of Reason, by Thomas Paine (1794)

To my fellow Citizens of the United States of America, I put the following work under your protection. It contains my opinion upon Religion. You will do me the justice to remember, that I have always strenuously supported the Right of every Man to his own opinion, however different that opinion might be to mine. He who demies to another this right, makes a slave of himself to his present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it.
The most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is Reason. I have never used any other, and I trust I never shall.
Your affectionate friend and fellow citizen, Thomas Paine
Luxembourg, 8th Pluvoise,
Second Year of the French Republic, one and indivisable.
January 27, O.S. 1794
The Bill of Rights
Articles I - X
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
The first Ten Articles of Amendment to the Constitution, collectively known as the "Bill of Rights", were proposed by the First Congress of the United States and submitted to the States September 25, 1789. Here are some explanations, history, and intent for each article and section.
The Center for International Environmental Law

The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) is a public interest, not-for-profit environmental law firm founded in 1989 to strengthen international and comparative environmental law and policy around the world.  CIEL provides a full range of environmental legal services in both international and comparative national law, including: policy research and publication, advice and advocacy, education and training, and institution building.
The Coinage Act of 1792
by United States Congress (04/02/1792)
Still in effect today, the Coinage Act of 1792 establishes the rules for regulating the coins of the United States of America as per the US Constitution. Interesting to note, debasing the currency by any officer of the government is punishable by death.
The Complete Works of Robert Green Ingersoll

The Age of Enlightenment dawned upon the world in that hour when Robert Ingersoll first delivered his lecture on The Gods, the opening chapter of this volume. In that hour the darkness of medieval madness and hypocrisy and witchcraft and superstition began to give way. The armies of the Terrible Unseen commenced to melt away into mist. The phantoms and weird horrors which had haunted the imaginations of men faded in the sunshine and sanity of an Emancipator who was the personal friend of Lincoln and did as much for enslaved minds as Lincoln had done for enslaved bodies!
The Declaration of Independence for Modern Readers
A Satire
by Matt Neuman (07/04/2000)
Given the recent trend to modernize classic works of literature, it seemed logical to modernize one of the great works of American literature: the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson and Co.'s affirmation of freedom and democracy is a wonderful document, but it simply doesn't speak to the current generation of TV-addicted zombies who wouldn't know a remote power from a remote control. With its archaic language and references to an unfamiliar, non-digital world, the D of I is sorely in need of an update to take it into the 21st Century. Hopefully this new version will be taught in our grade schools and civics classes, and a paper copy of it will replace the aging original now decomposing in the National Archives.
The Dixieland Law Journal
The FBI's House Calls
by Emil Guillermo (12/08/2001)
The Federalist Papers -

The original text of the Federalist Papers (also known as The Federalist) was obtained from the e-text archives of Project Gutenberg. View or download the entire plain text version of all of the Federalist Papers as supplied by Project Gutenberg.
The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society
The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826
The Original 13th Amendment
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
The Founders held an intense disdain and distrust of "Nobility" as a result of a long history, during Colonial times, of abuses and excesses against the Rights of Man and the established Common Law and Constitutions by the "Nobility", and therefore placed in the new Constitution two injunctions against acceptance of Titles of Nobility or Honor or emoluments from external sources. The Revolutionary War for Independence was primarily waged to eliminate these abuses and excesses of the "Nobility" and the "Monied Classes" from the life of the Nation, recognizing the Equality of all men.
The Secular Web

"A drop of reason in a pool of confusion." Articles and historical documents related to the free expression of reason. A good resource for classic writings critiquing organized religion for its attacks on liberty and reason.
The Statutory Basis of the Income Tax
by Tom Scambo (05/14/2000)
Most people who read the Internal Revenue Code without thorough study are unaware of the unique code definitions of everyday words that are used as legal terms.
The Story of the Buck Act
by Richard McDonald (02/20/2002)
When passing new statutes, the Federal government always does everything according to the principles of law. In order for the Federal Government to tax a Citizen of one of the several states, they had to create some sort of contractual nexus. This contractual nexus is the "Social Security Number".
The TRUTH About Income Tax!
by The Aware Group (09/18/2000)
Learn the Truth and the Truth will set you free! Recent discoveries prove that you may be paying an income tax you don't owe. The following is rock solid information from the U.S. Constitution and 200 years of consistent Supreme Court decisions.
THOMAS - US Congress on the Net

Index to US congressional legislation, record, and information.
Trusts and the Untrustworthy
"Pure Trusts" and "Patriots for Profit"
by Mark Pitcavage, Ph.D. (04/07/1999)
This report is the "pure trust" scam, which has migrated to -- and flourished on -- the Internet. "Pure trust" schemes are those in which people are convinced to place all of their assets into a number of trusts of dubious legitimacy in order to hide their assets from creditors and tax collectors. This report explains the primary targets of the scam, the nature of the "product" offered, the pitch the scammers use, the true status of such trusts and the consequences for those people who actually purchase "pure trusts." It also describes other, related scams and frauds that are similar to are aimed at a similar audience, and offers a few suggestions as to ways to help solve the problem.
US Constitution - and other documents

A superb resource on the US Constituion. Every one ought to re-familiarize themselves with this information.
We The People Organization

Founded by Robert Schultz, this organization takes action by organizing media events and petitions for Constitutional government at the federal and state levels. Many 'players' in the tax-reform movement have been speakers at their Citizen Summits.
Whose Earnings Are "Income"?
by The Aware Group (09/18/2000)
This key question is answered in the Internal Revenue Code. Citizens are deceived and misled by the IRS. There is much confusion and misunderstanding as to the meaning of the term "income" when it is used in tax law to describe monies received by individuals.
"Natural Person" Argument Refuted in Judgement Decision
Ontario Superiour Court of Justice
by Justice Sedgewick (07/20/2000)
Justice Sedgewick from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice refutes the "natural person" argument in his judgement decision re: the Income Tax Act and the case presented by Dave Lindsay, agent for Thomas Kennedy on July 20, 2000
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The Law
by Frederic Bastiat (06/01/1850)
The Law, first published as a pamphlet in June, 1850, is already more than a hundred years old. And because its truths are eternal, it will still be read when another century has passed. Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) was a French economist, statesman, and author. He did most of his writing during the years just before -- and immediately following -- the French Revolution of February 1848. This is an absolute must read for anyone interested in law, justice, truth, or liberty. A most compelling and revolutionary look at The Law.
On the New Idol
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
by Friedrich Nietzsche (10/01/1884)
Friedrich Nietzsche between 1883 and 1892
Ron Paul's Farewell Address to Congress
by Ron Paul (11/14/2012)
"I have come to one firm conviction after these many years of trying to figure out 'the plain truth of things.'  The best chance for achieving peace and prosperity, for the maximum number of people world-wide, is to pursue the cause of LIBERTY. "
Sarah Palin warns about ‘battle brewing,’ calls for action
by Eric F Schaub (11/11/2013)
Sarah Palin speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition fall banquet in Iowa, headlined by U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, an instrumental leader in the unsuccessful push to defund Obamacare. Palin supported the effort and criticized the Republicans who didn’t.
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