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20 Questions
A look at the consequences of the wrong international structure
by Marquis Circle (05/12/2000)
20 Questions to help set up Offshore Trusts, IBCs, Visa Cards and Bank Accounts to achive maximum privacy and security.
Answers about Pure Trusts
The greatest secret of the ultra rich for avoiding the hated income tax is A PURE TRUST, more commonly known as a "contractual agreement."
Belizean Trust FAQ
Artical about Belizean Trust Law and FAQ on Belizean Trusts
Fraudulent Foreign and Domestic Trusts
by IRS (07/03/2000)
Establishing a foreign or domestic trust for the purpose of hiding income and assets from taxation is illegal. Abusive Trust Schemes typically involve the creation of one or more trusts into which the taxpayer transfers his or her personal and/or business assets and to which the taxpayer assigns his or her income. The taxpayer, the promoter, or someone who will allow the taxpayer in reality to control the activities of the trust is then assigned as the trustee.
History of the Pure Trust
by ? (05/15/2000)
The PURE TRUST has been traced back as far as Plato. There is some evidence that Trusts might have been used in the Roman Empire as early as 800 BC. Trusts were utilized in Britain at that time in history and still are in use today
IRS - Criminal Investigation Division

Our Mission: In support of the overall IRS Mission, Criminal Investigation serves the American public by investigating potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code and related financial crimes in a manner that fosters confidence in the tax system and compliance with the law.
Offshore FAQ
by Jim Bennett (05/15/2000)
1."I'm far from ultra-rich. Is an offshore asset protection plan right for me?" 2."Can't I just wait until I'm sued to deal with this?"
Summary of Abusive Trust Schemes
by IRS -Criminal Investigation Division (04/15/2000)
In the last few years the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation (CI) has detected a proliferation of abusive trust tax evasion schemes. Currently, there are two prevalent fraudulent schemes being promoted: the “domestic scheme” and the “foreign scheme.” The domestic scheme involves a series of trusts that are formed in the U.S., while the foreign trust scheme is formed offshore and outside the jurisdiction of the U.S. The trusts involved in the schemes, either foreign or domestic, are vertically layered with each trust distributing income to the next layer. The result of this layered distribution of income is to fraudulently reduce taxable income to nominal amounts. Although these schemes give the appearance of the separation of responsibility and control from the benefits of ownership, these schemes are in fact controlled and directed by the taxpayer.
The Complete Privacy Protection Guide
by The AWARE Group (09/18/2000)
The material included within this guide contains everything you need to understand Domestic and OffShore trusts, IBC's and OffShore Banking, so that you will have:
- A practical way to protect your assets from abusive lawsuits;
- A practical way to shrink the burden of income and estate taxes; and
- A practical way to safeguard your family's financial privacy.
The IRS on Trusts
by IRS (05/09/2000)
The IRS gives us a conficting view on why and how we should and should not use trusts. Playing on fear and lack of knowledge of how trusts and the law works.
The Power of Offshore Trusts
by OPC (05/14/2000)
One of the easiest traps to fall into - when deciding how to structure yourself offshore - is to want to own and control the entities so set up.
Trusts and the Untrustworthy
"Pure Trusts" and "Patriots for Profit"
by Mark Pitcavage, Ph.D. (04/07/1999)
This report is the "pure trust" scam, which has migrated to -- and flourished on -- the Internet. "Pure trust" schemes are those in which people are convinced to place all of their assets into a number of trusts of dubious legitimacy in order to hide their assets from creditors and tax collectors. This report explains the primary targets of the scam, the nature of the "product" offered, the pitch the scammers use, the true status of such trusts and the consequences for those people who actually purchase "pure trusts." It also describes other, related scams and frauds that are similar to are aimed at a similar audience, and offers a few suggestions as to ways to help solve the problem.
Unincorporated Business Trust Organization Part 1
by Dr. Joe Sweet, M.Div., D.M.Th. (05/09/2000)
Essay on the international, sovereign, pure, private, non-statutory, non-associated unincorporated business trust organization (UBTO)
Unincorporated Business Trust Organization Part 2
An individual does not own, nor control, nor benefit from the assets of the UBTO; as an individual he becomes, lives and dies a Pauper, but with the blessings of his family!
Ways to Protect Your Assets
by Jim Bennett (05/09/2000)
Eleven requirements of a powerful, effective asset protection plan. Seven secrets of choosing the country best able to protect your assets.
by IFC (05/09/2000)
Hide details for UN (3)UN (3)
The Council on Foreign Relations and The New World Order
by William Blase (03/19/1995)
For those who may be confused by the controversies surrounding the "New World Order", a One-World-Government, and American concern over giving the UN more power. If one group is effectively in control of national governments and multinational corporations; promotes world government through control of media, foundation grants, and education; and controls and guides the issues of the day; then they control most options available. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the financial powers behind it, have done all these things, and promote the "New World Order", as they have for over seventy years. The CFR is the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States of America. Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members, and it uses its influence to infiltrate the New World Order into American life.
UN Observer and International Report, An Independent Journal of International Affairs

The U.N. OBSERVER & International Report is totally independent of the United Nations and was founded in 1978, to accurately examine the activities of the United Nations and its Member-States.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948
by United Nations (12/10/1948)
On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Following this historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories."
Hide details for US Government (33)US Government (33)
George Washington's Farewell Address
The Address of General Washington To The People of America On His Declining The Presidency Of The United States
by George Washington (09/17/1796)
George Washington's Farewell Address was written to .."The People of the United States" near the end of his second term as President of the United States. Originally published in David Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser on September 19, 1796 under the title "The Address of General Washington To The People of America On His Declining The Presidency Of The United States," the letter was almost immediately reprinted in newspapers across the country and later in a pamphlet form.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
by Continental Congress (07/04/1776)
Albert Jay Nock, Forgotten Man of the Right
by Jeffrey A. Tucker (08/22/2002)
Here it is in one package, an illustration of the level of learning that had been lost with mass education, a picture of the way a true political dissident from our collectivist period thinks about the modern world, and a comprehensive argument for the very meaning of freedom and civility – all from a man who helped shape the Right's intellectual response to the triumph of the FDR's welfare-warfare State.
Article II
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article II of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section. Executive branch powers and limitations.
Article IV
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article IV of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section.
Conservative Liberal or Liberal Conservative?
Doesn't it take 2 wings to fly?
by Eric Schaub (04/16/2004)
Coup d'etat
by Paul Craig Roberts (07/17/2013)
Democracy in America
by Alexis de Tocqueville (06/12/2000)
In 1831, the French political writer Alexis de Tocqueville visited the United States of America, a nation in which the citizenry had rejected such things as income taxation, welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schooling, drug wars, economic regulations, gun control, and immigration controls.
Democracy In America, by Alexis de Tocqueville

A new 4 volume edition of Tocqueville’s classic text De la Démocratie en Amérique. The original was published in two large volumes, the first in 1835, the second in 1840. The first volume focused primarily on political society; the second, on civil society. The Liberty Fund bilingual edition includes Eduardo Nolla’s historical-critical edition of the French text and notes on the lefthand pages and James Schleifer’s English translation on the right. This is the fullest historical-critical edition of the Democracy, and the notes offer an extensive selection of early outlines, drafts, manuscript variants, marginalia, unpublished fragments, and other materials.
Does the FBI Consider you a Terrorist?
If you are a 'defender of the Constitution', you fit the profile
Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation created this flyer during Clinton's Presidency, asking the recipients to help them fight domestic terrorism. It has been confirmed by many phone calls to the FBI and Phoenix local law enforcement that such publications were being given, by the FBI, to local law enforcement. It was not intended for the general public to know such FBI domestic terrorist definitions. "Defenders of the Constitution" are listed as potential terrorists. Do you fit the domestic terrorist profile?
Downsize DC

We believe the federal government has grown too large, too intrusive, and too expensive. We believe in constitutional limits, small government, civil liberties, federalism, and low taxes.
From Their Vaults to Your Desktop
by Russ Kick (06/17/2000)
Finding Documents the Man Wants to Hide
Judge Sturges' Speech
Hard Money Advocated -- The Duty of Democrats
by New York Times (09/16/1875)
Speech at the New York Democratic Convention, September 16, 1875 given by Judge Sturges: "Then what is our duty? Our duty is to put men at the helm of the National and State Governments who will curtail these expenses and lop off all that are unnecessary until their promises are up to par, [great applause,] and then repeal your legal-tender act. That is resumption, and not by legislative enactment."
Mankind's Most Brutal Institution
by Walter E. Williams (08/03/1995)
Generically, what's the most brutal institution on the face of the earth? If you said governments, go to the head of the class.
Model Nullification Resolutions for State Legislatures
The Proposed Tennessee Resolutions of 2012
by Publius Huldah (03/14/2012)
These proposed Resolutions are patterned on the relevant portions of The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, written by Thomas Jefferson, and focus on administrative “rules” made by a Department within the Executive Branch of the federal government. This Model may be easily adapted to address acts of Congress which are outside the scope of its enumerated powers; Executive Orders which are outside the scope of the President’s enumerated powers; and supreme Court opinions which exceed their enumerated powers and disregard the federal Constitution, such as their lawless rulings banning public expressions of the Faith of Our Fathers and misapplying Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment in order to undermine the morals of the People and to destroy the residuary sovereignity of The States.
Our Enemy, the State
by Albert Jay Nock (10/01/1935)
Originally published in 1935, this elegant essay on the nature of the state shows the important distinction between state power and social power. "Every assumption of power, whether by gift or seizure," Nock writes, "leaves society with so much less power; there is never, nor can be, any strengthening of State power without a corresponding and roughly equivalent depletion of social power."
Ron Paul's Farewell Address to Congress
by Ron Paul (11/14/2012)
"I have come to one firm conviction after these many years of trying to figure out 'the plain truth of things.'  The best chance for achieving peace and prosperity, for the maximum number of people world-wide, is to pursue the cause of LIBERTY. "
Sorry, Mr. Franklin, “We’re All Democrats Now”
by Ron Paul (01/29/2003)
At the close of the Constitutional Conventional in 1787, Benjamin Franklin told an inquisitive citizen that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention gave the people “a Republic, if you can keep it.” We should apologize to Mr. Franklin. It is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders had strongly warned... (Speech before House of Representatives, Jan 29, 2003)
Thanksgiving Proclamation 1777 By the Continental Congress
by Continental Congress (11/01/1777)
In the First National Thanksgiving Proclamation, the Continental Congress of the United States, in 1777, with the country still engaged in the war for independence, not only enjoined Americans to publicly offer acts of thanks to almighty God, but exhorted all to “consecrate themselves to the Service of their Divine Benefactor,” to make “the penitent confession of their manifold sins,” and to offer “their humble and earnest supplication that it may please GOD through the Merits of JESUS CHRIST, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of Remembrance, that it may please him graciously to afford his Blessing on the Governments of these States respectively.” 
Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789
by George Washington (10/03/1789)
President George Washington issued a proclamation on October 3, 1789, designating Thursday, November 26 as a national day of thanks. In his proclamation, Washington declared that the necessity for such a day sprung from the Almighty’s care of Americans prior to the Revolution, assistance to them in achieving independence, and help in establishing the constitutional government.
The Criminality of the State
by Albert Jay Nock (03/01/1939)
"Stripping the American State of the enormous power it has acquired is a full-time job for our citizens and a stirring one; and if they attend to it properly they will have no energy to spare for fighting communism, or for hating Hitler, or for worrying about South America or Spain, or for anything whatever, except what goes on right here in the United States."
The Pledge of Allegiance
A Short History
by Dr. John W. Baer (03/25/1992)
Francis Bellamy (1855 - 1931), a Baptist minister, wrote the original Pledge in August 1892. He was a Christian Socialist. In his Pledge, he is expressing the ideas of his first cousin, Edward Bellamy, author of the American socialist utopian novels, Looking Backward (1888) and Equality (1897).
The Smirking Chimp

Alternative news source covering abuses of power and cover-ups by the US government.
The Story of the Buck Act
by Richard McDonald (02/20/2002)
When passing new statutes, the Federal government always does everything according to the principles of law. In order for the Federal Government to tax a Citizen of one of the several states, they had to create some sort of contractual nexus. This contractual nexus is the "Social Security Number".
War Is A Racket
by Major General Smedley Butler (01/01/1935)
That war is a racket has been told to us by many, but rarely by one of this stature. Though he died in 1940, the highly decorated General Butler deserves to be heralded for his timeless message. His riveting 1935 booklet War is a Racket merits inclusion as required reading for every high school student, and every member of our armed forces today. After reading the following excerpts from this amazingly revealing essay, please forward it to all your friends. By spreading the word far and wide, we can and will create a brighter future for ourselves and for our children.
Whither Gold? Part 1
by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996)
A indepth history of the use of Gold as a holder true vaule and the manipulation of Gold by bankers as our Consitutional currency.
Whither Gold? Part 2
by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996)
Whither Gold? Part 3
by Antal E. Fekete (10/29/1996)
Who Is Running America?
The Bankruptcy of America, the Corporate United States, and the New World Order
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, "Government As Parent", as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, ALL the assets of the American people, their person, and of our country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation and the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests.
Who Owns the Federal Reserve?
Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence
by Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing (08/15/1976)
Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976.
by Byron King (04/07/2004)
The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: The 16th and 17th constitutional amendments... the Federal Reserve... would it surprise anyone to learn that these "tools" were instrumental in shaping the past century? Below, our friend Byron King takes a look at the man who first wielded them - the 28th President of the United States.
by Byron King (04/08/2004)
The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: Were it not for Woodrow Wilson, what sort of world would we be living in today? Without Wilson's legacy of "federal credit, national debt, a large centralized government, and an imperious... moral ideology built and financed thereon," argues Byron King, would we recognize our own times?
World Trade Organization
by Congressman Ron Paul (03/31/2000)
Now we have a global trade agency that can actually overrule our laws. For example, the WTO is now claiming that we are not taxing our small companies enough, and that is an unfair trade advantage! We are supposed to raise taxes at the orders of international bureaucrats in Geneva!
Hide details for US History (34)US History (34)
George Washington's Farewell Address
The Address of General Washington To The People of America On His Declining The Presidency Of The United States
by George Washington (09/17/1796)
George Washington's Farewell Address was written to .."The People of the United States" near the end of his second term as President of the United States. Originally published in David Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser on September 19, 1796 under the title "The Address of General Washington To The People of America On His Declining The Presidency Of The United States," the letter was almost immediately reprinted in newspapers across the country and later in a pamphlet form.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
by Continental Congress (07/04/1776)
Albert Jay Nock, Forgotten Man of the Right
by Jeffrey A. Tucker (08/22/2002)
Here it is in one package, an illustration of the level of learning that had been lost with mass education, a picture of the way a true political dissident from our collectivist period thinks about the modern world, and a comprehensive argument for the very meaning of freedom and civility – all from a man who helped shape the Right's intellectual response to the triumph of the FDR's welfare-warfare State.
Article I
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article I of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section. The powers and limitations of Congress.
Article II
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article II of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section. Executive branch powers and limitations.
Article III
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article III of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section. The Function of the Courts.
Article IV
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article IV of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section.
Article V
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article V of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section.
Article VI
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Article VI of the US Consitution with explanations, history, and intent for each section.
Brief History of Money in America
US History of Money 1867-1960
Cases Using the Constitution
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
A list of the leading cases expounding the US Consitution with notes indicating the tenor of each case.
Democracy in America
by Alexis de Tocqueville (06/12/2000)
In 1831, the French political writer Alexis de Tocqueville visited the United States of America, a nation in which the citizenry had rejected such things as income taxation, welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schooling, drug wars, economic regulations, gun control, and immigration controls.
FDR - And The Raw Deal
"New Deal" was the new title chosen for the socialist agenda. Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law, doubted that FDR was the originator of this vast "recovery" effort.
Money in North American History
by Roy Davies (10/02/1998)
This essay is based on a book on monetary history by Glyn Davies which contains a considerable amount of material on the financial development of the United States.
Sorry, Mr. Franklin, “We’re All Democrats Now”
by Ron Paul (01/29/2003)
At the close of the Constitutional Conventional in 1787, Benjamin Franklin told an inquisitive citizen that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention gave the people “a Republic, if you can keep it.” We should apologize to Mr. Franklin. It is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders had strongly warned... (Speech before House of Representatives, Jan 29, 2003)
Thanksgiving Proclamation 1777 By the Continental Congress
by Continental Congress (11/01/1777)
In the First National Thanksgiving Proclamation, the Continental Congress of the United States, in 1777, with the country still engaged in the war for independence, not only enjoined Americans to publicly offer acts of thanks to almighty God, but exhorted all to “consecrate themselves to the Service of their Divine Benefactor,” to make “the penitent confession of their manifold sins,” and to offer “their humble and earnest supplication that it may please GOD through the Merits of JESUS CHRIST, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of Remembrance, that it may please him graciously to afford his Blessing on the Governments of these States respectively.” 
Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789
by George Washington (10/03/1789)
President George Washington issued a proclamation on October 3, 1789, designating Thursday, November 26 as a national day of thanks. In his proclamation, Washington declared that the necessity for such a day sprung from the Almighty’s care of Americans prior to the Revolution, assistance to them in achieving independence, and help in establishing the constitutional government.
The 13th Amendment 'Disappears'
Titles of Nobility and Honor
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
Twenty years after the passage of the Bill of Rights, in January, 1810, Senator Reed proposed another "title of nobility" Amendment. On April 27, 1810, the Senate voted to pass the 13th Amendment by a vote of 26 to 1; the House resolved in the affirmative 87 to 3; and the following resolve was sent to the States for ratification. After 12 of the required 13 states had ratified the Amendment, war broke out with England, and Washington was burned along with most of the federal governments records. Was it ratified or not?
The Bill of Rights
Articles I - X
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
The first Ten Articles of Amendment to the Constitution, collectively known as the "Bill of Rights", were proposed by the First Congress of the United States and submitted to the States September 25, 1789. Here are some explanations, history, and intent for each article and section.
The Civil War wasn't about Slavery
by Walter E. Williams (05/31/2000)
THE PROBLEMS THAT LED TO THE CIVIL WAR are the same problems today ---- big, intrusive government. The reason we don't face the specter of another Civil War is because today's Americans don't have yesteryear's spirit of liberty and constitutional respect, and political statesmanship is in short supply.
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