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The Original 13th Amendment
Constitution for the United States of America
by The AWARE Group (02/01/2002)
The Founders held an intense disdain and distrust of "Nobility" as a result of a long history, during Colonial times, of abuses and excesses against the Rights of Man and the established Common Law and Constitutions by the "Nobility", and therefore placed in the new Constitution two injunctions against acceptance of Titles of Nobility or Honor or emoluments from external sources. The Revolutionary War for Independence was primarily waged to eliminate these abuses and excesses of the "Nobility" and the "Monied Classes" from the life of the Nation, recognizing the Equality of all men.
The Secular Web

"A drop of reason in a pool of confusion." Articles and historical documents related to the free expression of reason. A good resource for classic writings critiquing organized religion for its attacks on liberty and reason.
The Statutory Basis of the Income Tax
by Tom Scambo (05/14/2000)
Most people who read the Internal Revenue Code without thorough study are unaware of the unique code definitions of everyday words that are used as legal terms.
The Story of the Buck Act
by Richard McDonald (02/20/2002)
When passing new statutes, the Federal government always does everything according to the principles of law. In order for the Federal Government to tax a Citizen of one of the several states, they had to create some sort of contractual nexus. This contractual nexus is the "Social Security Number".
The TRUTH About Income Tax!
by The Aware Group (09/18/2000)
Learn the Truth and the Truth will set you free! Recent discoveries prove that you may be paying an income tax you don't owe. The following is rock solid information from the U.S. Constitution and 200 years of consistent Supreme Court decisions.
THOMAS - US Congress on the Net

Index to US congressional legislation, record, and information.
Trusts and the Untrustworthy
"Pure Trusts" and "Patriots for Profit"
by Mark Pitcavage, Ph.D. (04/07/1999)
This report is the "pure trust" scam, which has migrated to -- and flourished on -- the Internet. "Pure trust" schemes are those in which people are convinced to place all of their assets into a number of trusts of dubious legitimacy in order to hide their assets from creditors and tax collectors. This report explains the primary targets of the scam, the nature of the "product" offered, the pitch the scammers use, the true status of such trusts and the consequences for those people who actually purchase "pure trusts." It also describes other, related scams and frauds that are similar to are aimed at a similar audience, and offers a few suggestions as to ways to help solve the problem.
US Constitution - and other documents

A superb resource on the US Constituion. Every one ought to re-familiarize themselves with this information.
We The People Organization

Founded by Robert Schultz, this organization takes action by organizing media events and petitions for Constitutional government at the federal and state levels. Many 'players' in the tax-reform movement have been speakers at their Citizen Summits.
Whose Earnings Are "Income"?
by The Aware Group (09/18/2000)
This key question is answered in the Internal Revenue Code. Citizens are deceived and misled by the IRS. There is much confusion and misunderstanding as to the meaning of the term "income" when it is used in tax law to describe monies received by individuals.
"Natural Person" Argument Refuted in Judgement Decision
Ontario Superiour Court of Justice
by Justice Sedgewick (07/20/2000)
Justice Sedgewick from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice refutes the "natural person" argument in his judgement decision re: the Income Tax Act and the case presented by Dave Lindsay, agent for Thomas Kennedy on July 20, 2000
Hide details for Legalization (8)Legalization (8)
61% of Americans Support Ending Marijuana Prohibition
by Christopher Ingraham (03/25/2016)
Last week, a new survey released by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that a record-high percentage of Americans — 61 percent — say they support marijuana legalization.
Activists march 51-foot ‘joints’ toward DNC
by Steve Annear (07/25/2016)
Canadian Dept of Justice to Advise Marijuana Legalization Plan
by Susana Mas (06/30/2016)
Colombia Legalizes Medical Marijuana
by nsnbc international (01/01/2016)
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos signed a decree legalizing the growing and sale of marijuana for medical purposes. The decree comes against the backdrop of the ongoing peace negotiations between the FARC-EP and the Colombian government and signed agreements about illicit drugs.
DEA & FDA Prepare for Federal Legalization of Marijuana
by Susanne Posel (04/23/2016)
The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) have given their permission for clinical trials to begin for therapeutic use of marijuana on veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is a 180 degree turn from the DEA’s stance on marijuana just 6 months ago.
Illinois Is the Latest State to Decriminalize Small Amounts of Marijuana
Pot possession is now punishable by a citation, instead of a jail time
by Katie Reilly (07/30/2016)
Ontario Hits a Homerun by Choosing Shopify to Manage Online Cannabis Sales
by Max Greenwood (02/12)
The Ontario government has announced a deal to use Shopify’s e-commerce platform to help conduct both their online and in-store sales of soon-to-be-legalized cannabis. The Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation (OCRC), a subsidiary of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), will utilize the Ottawa-based Shopify’s platform to facilitate online as well as brick and mortar sales.
Uruguay’s President Rose Mujica signs Marijuana Legalization Bill
by nsnbc ìnternational (12/25/2013)
Uruguay’s President Jose Mujica has signed a bill, legalizing the cultivation and recreational use of marijuana. Mujica signed the bill into law after the Senate adopted the bill on Monday 14 December. Mujica brushed off harsh criticism from the UN’s INCB chief Raymond Yans, who had accused Mujica of not consulting with him first. An accusation President Mujica responded to by saying that the old man should stop lying and accusations of double standards. 
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Cure Cancer With Cannabis THC, Not CBD Says Rick Simpson
Cannabis.Net interview with Rick Simpson
by Oaktree (05/27/2017)
Toronto police raid and shut down dozens of marijuana dispensaries
by The Guardian (05/29/2016)
About 45 of Canadian city’s 83 unlicensed dispensaries targeted for alleged recreational sales in latest local crackdown amid federal plans to legalize drug.
Hide details for Liberty (7)Liberty (7)
20 Years of Liberty Quotes Daily
by Eric Schaub (10/29)
by Eric Schaub (09/11/2018)
While Facebook may be a service provider of free online messaging services, what rights do the users have, with hundreds and thousands of postings of content and dialogue, when Facebook denies them service and all but deletes their presence? For the social networks, the users ARE the content, their demographics, their political leanings, their messages, their faces. Do you think the book burners at Amazon and YouTube colluding with 'the intelligence community' realize they are embracing the same fascist tactics as the Nazi's? Who exactly is demanding that 'hate speech' and 'fake news' be taken down? Is it not enough to respond with a counter argument or sue for libel or slander? Is the Ministry of Truth that far away?
Merry Christmas 2020
by Eric Schaub (12/17)
Merry Christmas 2021
by Eric Schaub (12/20)
Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death
by Patrick Henry (03/23/1775)
Complete text of Patrick Henry's landmark speech urging the newly formed Revolutionary Convention of Virginia to establish and equip a Virginia militia to defend and fight against the British.  The great speech he gave that day will be remembered as the one that made him famous.
Libertarian? Conservative? Classic Liberal? Leftivists don’t just believe you’re a bad person — they WANT to believe it
by A Journalist Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous (06/30)
Liberty and the Great Libertarians
by Chrales T. Sprading (02/26/1913)
In 1913, Charles T. Sprading (1871-1959) wrote a book of remarkable prescience that anticipated the systematic development of an American libertarian tradition. He called it Liberty and the Great Libertarians. What he provided was a biography and intellectual analysis of some thirty great thinkers. Most valuable is his extraordinary job of editing. He chooses the best and most enlightening of their writings and brings them to life.
Hide details for Media (4)Media (4)
Controlled Media Inc.
To control the media, FED bankers call in their loans if the media disagrees with them. Going against the Fed can also be unhealthy for one's career.
Herd Mentality
by Jonny Liberty (05/14/2000)
Essay on The Herd Mentality, Policing Ourselves, Unveiling the New World Order, Victim Mentality, Limited Imagination and Creating A Paradise on Earth.
Sorry, Mr. Franklin, “We’re All Democrats Now”
by Ron Paul (01/29/2003)
At the close of the Constitutional Conventional in 1787, Benjamin Franklin told an inquisitive citizen that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention gave the people “a Republic, if you can keep it.” We should apologize to Mr. Franklin. It is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders had strongly warned... (Speech before House of Representatives, Jan 29, 2003)
Traditional Values vs. Media Values
by Pennsylvania School Board Association
A quick comparison of traditional values versus media values.
Hide details for Medical (3)Medical (3)
Cure Cancer With Cannabis THC, Not CBD Says Rick Simpson
Cannabis.Net interview with Rick Simpson
by Oaktree (05/27/2017)
Medical marijuana patients can grow 'limited amount' of cannabis at home under new laws
Change comes after Federal Court said old rules were unconstitutional
by Andrew Foote (08/11/2016)
Who’s To Blame For The Death Of Medical Marijuana In Washington State?
by Steve Elliott (06/15/2016)
Hide details for Money (52)Money (52)
A Comparative Chronology of Money

Historical timelines date the emergence of money. The complete annotated chronology is divided up into smaller files by period. Select the timeline for the period in which you are interested. In cases where events took place over a number of years, they my overlap other periods. In such cases, the events will be listed in more than one timeline. The page numbers given after the annotations refer to the places in the book where the topics are mentioned.
A History of Money
by Rex Wilson (07/07/2007)
A delightful poem about the history of money.
A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency
by Benjamin Franklin (01/01/1729)
There is a certain proportionate Quantity of Money requisite to carry on the Trade of a Country freely and currently; More than which would be of no Advantage in Trade, and Less, if much less, exceedingly detrimental to it.
Addressing the Jury - The American People
by Sherry Peel Jackson (02/28/2002)
Ms. Sherry Jackson, a certified public accountant, former Internal Revenue Agent and Certified Fraud Examiner speaks at the Citizens' Truth-In-Taxation Hearing, Washington D.C., February 27-28, 2002.
Are You Free, Strawman?
by Unknown (11/18/2000)
A good overview on how the government 'legally' lays claim to our bodies and labors -- our 'person'. We are registered as collateral for government bonds (i.e. the public debt) and have essentially the rights of a slave. Read on...
Bankers' Central Bank Warns US Bubble Will Pop
US Blackout Of Story
by John Hoefle (06/13/2000)
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in a report issued on June 5, 2000, and in a major international press conference accompanying the release of the report at its headquarters in Basel, Switzerland the same day, confirmed that a global financial crash is right around the corner. While that assessment has been given banner headlines throughout Europe, the warning has been blacked out of the U.S. press. The story was even in the international editions of the Wall Street Journal, NY Times and Washington Post (IHT) and was on all the wires, but there was a total blackout in their US editions and in all but a few media here.
Billions for the Bankers
Debt for the People
by Pastor Sheldon Emry
The Real Story of the Money Control Over America. Billions for the Bankers started out as a small pamphlet back in the 60s. In later life Pastor Emry was able to improve it and expand it into book form, with illustrations.
Billions for the Bankers - Canadian Version

In 1867 the Fathers of Confederation gave the federal government (under Section 91 of the British North America Act) the right to create Canada's money supply. However, our federal government has given this right to the private chartered banks. Instead of getting our money supply for the cost of printing, our federal government now borrows the money from the chartered banks and pays over $40 billion per year interest. Payment of this interest took 33% of all the taxes collected in the last fiscal year. This means all businesses, farmers and individuals also have to borrow our money supply. Because money to pay this interest is never issued, we have to borrow the money to pay the interest. Thus borrowing drives all of us, including our governments, deeper and deeper into debt.
Billions for the Bankers, Debt for the People

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson
Can the U.S. Return to a Gold Standard?
by Alan Greenspan (09/01/1981)
Can a leopard change his spots...? Following is a verbatim article published in the Wall Street Journal on September 1, 1981. Its author is Alan Greenspan, who at the time was a partner in Townsend-Greenspan & Co. - an economic consulting firm. It is relevant and very significant to also know that Greenspan was the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors from 1974 to 1977, a period witnessing dramatic changes in the price of gold.
Central Banks, Gold, and the Decline of the Dollar
by Robert Batemarco (11/01/1995)
Are inflation, currency depreciation, and business cycles inevitable facts of life? Are they part of the very laws of nature? Or do their origins stem from the actions of man?

Use gold as an internet currency.
Excerpts from Jekyll Island
by G. Edward Griffin (05/15/2000)
Excerpts from Chapter One of the "Creature From Jekyell Island" specifically addressing the creation of the Federal Reserve System.
FAME - Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education
Foundation for Economic Freedom

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) is the oldest research organization promoting individual freedom, private property, limited government, and free trade. FEE is a "home" for friends of freedom everywhere. It was founded in 1946 by Leonard E. Read and given direction by its adviser, the eminent Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises. Throughout the years FEE's mission has remained resolute: to study the moral and intellectual foundation of a free society and to share its knowledge with individuals everywhere.
Fraud Shown in Passage of 16th Amendment
by Larry Becraft (04/01/1989)
The federal government and its tax agencies, supported by our congressmen, would like for us to believe that the power of the government to tax was greatly changed by the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment in February 1913. Having been denied the right to tax incomes by a Supreme Court decision in 1895, Uncle Sam claims that, once this Amendment was ratified, a constitutional deficiency was corrected by the Amendment and that after 1913, it had a legal right to claim a portion of income of every American in taxes.
Gold and Economic Freedom

Alan Greenspan circa 1967
Greenspan has already lost the inflation fight
by Albert Friedberg (06/17/2000)
The corset is off consumer prices. Core consumer price inflation (even excluding tobacco) has risen sharply, as measured by either the personal consumption deflator (almost 3% year-over-year) or the core CPI (a shade above 2%).
Greenspan: Still Going for the Gold
by Judy Shelton (05/15/1997)
If patience is a virtue, Alan Greenspan is a saint. For more than three decades he has endeavored to guide the nation toward sound money -- first as a radical intellectual, then as an business economist and presidential adviser, and currently as chairman of Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. His critics on the left seem unable to comprehend the destructive consequences of irresponsible fiscal policy and accommodative monetary policy. His critics on the right simply cannot appreciate the long-term perspective of Greenspan, a man who argued powerfully in the 1960s that "gold and economic freedom are inseparable" and who has steadfastly, albeit slowly, continued to pursue the realization of his intellectual ideals in the economic sphere. Arbitrary and capricious, he is not.
History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day, by Glyn Davies

This site contains a chronology, written by Glyn and Roy Davies, and a collection of essays written by Roy Davies on various themes using information based on the book on monetary history with the same title. Very complete.
How Much Money?
by Bettina Bien Greaves (03/01/1994)
Do we need more money as the population increases? Do we need more money as production expands? That would seem logical. But is it?
Judge Sturges' Speech
Hard Money Advocated -- The Duty of Democrats
by New York Times (09/16/1875)
Speech at the New York Democratic Convention, September 16, 1875 given by Judge Sturges: "Then what is our duty? Our duty is to put men at the helm of the National and State Governments who will curtail these expenses and lop off all that are unnecessary until their promises are up to par, [great applause,] and then repeal your legal-tender act. That is resumption, and not by legislative enactment."
Manipulation of Gold Market Keeps on 'Truckin'
by Bill Murphy (06/17/2000)
No market trades like this for so long. The price of oil is surging, commodity prices are going up, there is record gold demand and producers like Normandy are delivering into hedges, reducing here-to-for supply. The price of gold should be trending higher, not ALWAYS stopping at $290.
Modern Money Mechanics
by The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (01/05/1961)
Modern Money Mechanics is a booklet produced and distributed free by the Public Information Center of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Revisions in May 1968, September 1971, June 1975, October 1982, June 1992
Money in North American History
by Roy Davies (10/02/1998)
This essay is based on a book on monetary history by Glyn Davies which contains a considerable amount of material on the financial development of the United States.
Our Debt-Based Money System Will Break Us
by The Earl of Caithness (03/05/1997)
This speech was delivered by the Earl of Caithness in the House of Lords, Wednesday, 5 March, 1997. It is reprinted in full from Hansard, Vol. 578, No. 68, columns 1869-1871.
Pay The Piper! Call The Tune!
by Elan (12/22/2011)
The debt-money system generates serious problems. One of these is that private banks can create only the amount of the loan; they cannot create the money needed to pay the interest on that loan. There is never, therefore, enough money in the system. This makes growth imperative. The system must grow or die. Debt and the interest on debt grow faster than money and income because debt is the only way to create new money. If the money supply cannot keep up to the cost of debt and interest, the economy will stall. When the burden of debt exceeds the capacity of debtors to pay, or the willingness of lenders to lend, the system must fail.
Rebellion or Revolution?
by Steffan M. Bertsch (07/04/1996)
An Everett, Washington attorney, Steffan M. Bertsch, has spent over eighteen months examining the IRC and its regulations and has concluded that there is no authority for the IRS to seize any personal or real property in Washington State for alleged income tax liabilities from most citizens.
Ron Paul's Farewell Address to Congress
by Ron Paul (11/14/2012)
"I have come to one firm conviction after these many years of trying to figure out 'the plain truth of things.'  The best chance for achieving peace and prosperity, for the maximum number of people world-wide, is to pursue the cause of LIBERTY. "
SEC Rules and Regulations
Text of the federal securities laws and their accompanying rules and forms.
Sorry, Mr. Franklin, “We’re All Democrats Now”
by Ron Paul (01/29/2003)
At the close of the Constitutional Conventional in 1787, Benjamin Franklin told an inquisitive citizen that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention gave the people “a Republic, if you can keep it.” We should apologize to Mr. Franklin. It is obvious that the Republic is gone, for we are wallowing in a pure democracy against which the Founders had strongly warned... (Speech before House of Representatives, Jan 29, 2003)
Taxes And The Federal Reserve
A Short Primer
by John R. Prukop (04/25/2000)
Imagine that you own a business where no one in government knows who you are, where the IRS never questioned you, and no one in government dared to approach or reproach you. Imagine that you are king of the mountain, and ignorant American citizens are pay you over $17.5 MILLION PER HOUR -- EVERY DAY! Impossible? Truth is stranger than fiction.
Taxes and the Federal Reserve -- A Short Primer

Imagine that you own a business where no one in government knows who you are, where the IRS never questioned you, and no one in government dared to approach or reproach you. Imagine that you are king of the mountain, and ignorant American citizens are pay you over $17.5 MILLION PER HOUR -- EVERY DAY! Impossible? Truth is stranger than fiction.
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